Example sentences of "that [conj] long " in BNC.

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1 It implies , of course , that as long as they have the right kind of causal relations , other machines , apart from brains , can possess mentality ; and it also implies that the study of artificial intelligence and computational modelling is the royal road to understanding mentality .
2 The landlady looked at her with suspicion as she backed into her room and she resolved again that as long as she stayed in London she would n't speak to anyone .
3 ‘ They told me that as long as I did not rush back too quickly , I should have another four or five years .
4 Monetarists argued that as long as the government refused to increase the money supply , even if unemployment was increasing , there could be no inflation .
5 He knows that as long as everybody stays level with the leading attacker they can just step up when the ball is played and the linesman 's flag will be raised .
6 Mr Mathew claims that as long as the temporary grant is allowed to remain — in breach of statute — anyone who makes a will is similarly vulnerable .
7 First , Mr Deng was more committed to the power of the Communist Party and to party discipline , although he also understood that as long as basic stability and prosperity were ensured , the party should guide but not govern .
8 The European Commission , busy with banking , investment services and insurance , has now realised , late in the day , that as long as 700 billion ecus-worth ( $850 billion ) of pension-fund assets remain wrapped in national rules , single the market can not be .
9 Many people believe that the condition of a horse 's coat depends on what you feed rather than how you groom , but whatever your views there is no doubt that as long as his feet are picked out and the parts where the tack touches are clean he will come to no harm .
10 The Emperor spoke to him and said that as long as he did not speak to anyone in that underground place , nothing would happen to him .
11 In view of the customary informal liaison between environmental health officers and inspectors , however , it seems that as long as the inspector is striving to abate the odour , no action will be taken by a local authority until the odour becomes very bad indeed .
12 It is now recognised that as long as certain precautions are taken , the SP is indispensable ( Fig. 7 ) .
13 Some churchmen have gone along with the new permissiveness by conceding that as long as two people love each other that is all that really matters .
14 In my long experience of this species , I have noticed that as long as you have only a few juveniles over 1″ , these seem to stop growing at around 1.25″ , until an adult dies , whereupon a young fish will fill the gap and grow on to adult size at a remarkable rate .
15 There is a widely held untruth that as long as you do n't copy more than eight bars , you are in the clear .
16 However little I care for the way you live , I shall concede that as long as you get your facts right , sense flavours and textures with accuracy and discrimination , think out the implications of your choices , are not deceived about your desires and ambitions , you may do as you please .
17 He said : ‘ I hope that as long as my form for Liverpool improves I will be knocking on the door .
18 ‘ That will depend on my performances and I hope that as long as my form for Liverpool improves I will be knocking on the door .
19 Great Escapes ' Paul Scrimshaw explained : ‘ It has always seemed to us that as long as the hoteliers play the game fairly then all parties have received a reasonable benefit . ’
20 Rightly or wrongly we believed that as long as we were discriminated in every walk of life it would be absurd to pretend that everything was OK in rugby and play against the English and then go back to the township .
21 While it was clear that as long as unanimity or qualified majorities were required , it was possible , as several of the member states were to do , for states to drag their heels and delay a programme .
22 Those benefits may be continued for a long succession of generations upon deserving objects , let us strenuously support our own undertaking : and may our children , and our children 's children feel an ardour even greater than our own in the cause of humanity ; so that as long as the County of Bedford exists , its Infirmary may be one of the chief objects of care , and one of the principal sources of its honest pride . ’
23 Swann ( 1987 ) has argued that as long as segregated provision exists , a means to select and allocate children will be needed .
24 He certainly holds that as long as my action is prompted by mere feeling , or by a judgement as to what will best satisfy my desires , I am not in sight of moral living .
25 For myself , I wish to say to men that as long as they associate me with an idea of ‘ woman ’ drawn from the past , or suppose that a model for gender relations is to be found in that past , they have failed to see me for the person who I am , or to envisage what equality might mean .
26 I think we I 'm assuming that as long as we do n't get more than say three hours of one type of recording from each place , we can get as much , apart from that constraint
27 From the start , she made it clear that as long as I could be of use to Jean-Claude she would tolerate me , but that my relationship with her son was in her gift and subject to her approval , and this might not always be forthcoming .
28 The debt counsellor said that as long as I paid all the money I was getting from Social Security for the house , they could n't take it away from us .
29 The effects of the seeds that were hopefully planted in the minds of the young students during this period of contact with the world of photography may not become evident for years , but it seems likely that as long as lively and enthusiastic people remain involved in showing young people the variety of their creative options , Britain 's high artistic standards will be zealously maintained for some time to come .
30 by the time I had gone through five operations I decided that as long as I could breath , that would do me and I , I would really recommend every body to think twice before having any form of plastic surgery , particularly unless its , if its not absolutely necessary .
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