Example sentences of "that [verb] [is] " in BNC.

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1 Fresh leaks about stifled criticism in the NHS now arise almost every week , but it is n't only in health that gagging is now becoming so oppressive .
2 you may find that sniffing is n't the main problem , and it 's more urgent to tackle other problems
3 He added : ‘ There are a lot of kids living under adverse conditions and the first thing that goes is their confidence .
4 Much of the anguish that produced is still present .
5 Another cliché that persists is that chefs work in contract catering only to avoid long hours and the tough competition of hotel and restaurant kitchens .
6 In this case , even if one reinforces the claim by supposing that littering is illegal , the answer must be No .
7 It is key to the coordination role that redrafting is kept under control ; it is all too tempting for the various parties to attempt to improve the wording and suggest further amendment without adding material value .
8 Removing those that remain is a fairly drastic step , which you should only embark on if you have good reason to suspect chemical sensitivity .
9 Apart , I mean whatever you get for boys it 's the same , which is in different colours , bow ties and shirts that fit in n it ?
10 This relieves the stress of being selfish and competitive with others , in recognizing that relating is far more important than selfishly achieving within society .
11 Certainly it is in the private sector , where the only bribe that counts is low prices , where fierce competition and price wars have been wreaking havoc among Europe 's surviving computer makers .
12 For instance , the attack on the ‘ generalist ’ is overdone and for most specialists , the training that counts is what they learn after they start work .
13 But he was always having fun so I suppose its the imagination that counts is n't it .
14 Blake 's ‘ everything that lives is holy ’ was now a gospel confined to churches in the care of men like his father .
15 This this is the concern , and we all know how tight that budge is , and how much we need to put into education accounts .
16 Erm , Local Government and Local Council work is often seen as being very drab and indeed we all know that it 's becoming probably less exciting nowadays with the constraints that there are and what Councils still require er in abundance are characters , people who bring a bit of excitement to Council affairs w i at whatever level and I think that one thing that has is character , sadly missing in so many younger politicians I must say .
17 ‘ The want of the present moment is a new Foreign Office , and to supply that want is the extent of our ambition . ’
18 One defector that repenteth is better prop-aganda than nine-and-ninety loyal party workers , is n't that so , Dieter ? ’
19 I 'm worried that niether is particularly tall , and have always felt that in the League you need one monster and one player with a bit of class and speed .
20 ‘ However , ’ the Council said in its evidence to the House of Lords Committee examining the EC 's proposal for a Directive on nitrate in vulnerable waters , ‘ the nitrate pollution that occurs is caused by the application of chemical fertilisers and animal slurries , which contain a mixture of phosphate and nitrate .
21 The amount of delegation that occurs is thus highly variable and seldom entirely predictable .
22 ‘ When we arrive at six , the first thing that happens is roll-call to make sure that everyone is here , ’ says Kendall .
23 Everything that happens is by design and purpose .
24 Obviously it is not to be encouraged when you 're walking along with a bird on your glove , because the first thing that happens is the bird takes off .
25 Everything that happens is caused by something before it .
26 The first thing that happens is an inversion of proportion , dramatic as Alice 's through the mirror : little things grow big , and big things disappear .
27 And the next thing that happens is an E sound .
28 The next thing that happens is it 's announced a masterpiece .
29 So the first thing that happens is data gets er , imported into the spreadsheet here , and second thing that could happen is er , the unwanted records get deleted .
30 The only thing , time that happens is , that is you hear about ,
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