Example sentences of "that [noun] who " in BNC.

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1 At a preview it was introduced live by John Butcher MP , Under-secretary of state for Industry , asserting that futurologists who write off Britain as an industrial nation are ‘ talking a load of hooey ’ .
2 Thus , in the sense that jewellers who keep valuable items in their shop-windows cause smash-and-grab raids and women who walk alone cause rapes , it may be said that the police do , in a sense , cause riots and lawbreaking merely by existing .
3 Lord Donaldson implied , however , that solicitors who exercised their new rights of audience in these cases ought to be expected to concentrate on advocacy .
4 The committee also said that solicitors who appear in court should not be subject to the same restrictions as barristers , such as the ‘ cab-rank rule ’ requiring barristers to accept cases on a ‘ first come first served ’ basis .
5 The Organising Secretary of the scheme stated : ‘ I suggest that solicitors who participate in the Cardiff Duty Solicitor Scheme are not motivated by money or profit . ’
6 And in the German tradition of , of psychology , it 's worth pointing out that Willhelm who those of you who are reading psychology I 'm sure have , have heard of , er , Willhelm was a kind of er , slightly older contemporary of Freud 's , and I daresay you 've heard of him , as the founder of modern scientific psychology .
7 He further warned that employers who ‘ set arbitrary age limits are missing out on a variety of skills , experience , and commitment that older workers can bring to a job . ’
8 This means that employers who traditionally take on school leavers are having to look elsewhere to augment their staff .
9 It would be naive to believe that employers who discourage or attempt to undermine Trade Unions do so out of any altruistic motive , such as concern for the individual employee .
10 I have found that employers who are registered with the CITB feel that it is unfair if other companies which have set up just down the road do not appear to be on the board 's records .
11 He also said that employers who failed to train staff should face the penalty of a higher training levy and spoke of the need to enhance the value of labour to attain a high skill , high tech , high productivity and a high wage economy .
12 My experience has been that entertainers who come for just the show have maximum impact and cause great excitement , especially if they arrive dressed up .
13 It has long been accepted that people make jokes about what frightens them and that groups who feel oppressed use humour as a way of releasing negative feelings to those in power .
14 He says that every prisoner leaving jail should at least have enough clothing to make a fresh start , the danger is that prisoners who do n't have enough funds can return to crime .
15 He says that prisoners who are addicts face the problem of drug withdrawal , and so the demand for drugs is often high .
16 It used to be the case that contestants who were struck lightly in the face could exaggerate injury in order to have the opponent 's score disallowed .
17 Before detailing the terms of a recording contract , Gatfield insists that artists who have been rejected should keep trying .
18 The result is that riders who want to avoid heatstroke have to wear as little as possible under their jackets and most of us men have n't got used to innocently looking round to see someone undoing her jacket to reveal nothing but a clingy bra underneath !
19 Results show that interviewers who have worked for over five years have lower refusal rates than more recent recruits .
20 3 Make sure that personnel who are to be present from sections other than the PR department are fully briefed on their role and on what can and can not be said .
21 But the equitable principles established by the authorities require , in my judgment , that creditors who take from married women security for their husband 's debts take reasonable steps to see that they understand the transactions they are entering into .
22 Lord Reid said it would not be difficult to infer , as a matter of fact , that pickets who assemble in unreasonably large numbers do have the purpose of obstructing free passage .
23 It is worth describing it at such length so that readers who have not read Tolkien 's ‘ minor ’ works might develop some idea of Lewis 's importance as Tolkien 's ‘ onlie begetter ’ or ‘ miglior fabbro ’ , for there can be very little doubt that it was Lewis 's friendship and encouragement which led Tolkien to write the works which made his name with the public ; just as it was Tolkien 's friendship which released in Lewis wells of creativity which had remained ( though he was so naturally fluent ) mysteriously dry .
24 ( How often one wishes that readers who have no hearing loss would take the trouble to follow the same procedure ! )
25 ( I had better say now that readers who identify the I of the Sonnets with Shakespeare 's own personality not only encourage that futility of speculation about the identity of a real-life ‘ Friend ’ and ‘ Dark Lady ’ which has pestered discussions of these poems for so long , and is now in the last stages of senility ; but in so doing they also destroy one of the essential principles of literary criticism in modern times , the independence of the I in lyric poetry , its existence as a persona or mask behind which the poet is free to impersonate any human situation without being identified with each or all of the mutations — often contradictory — taken on by his persona . )
26 Certain forms of writing , such as academic articles , extend this even further and writers are required to develop skills in explicitness , and in being aware of hidden assumptions , so that readers who have not directly had the writer 's experience may understand it .
27 1.2 It is tempting at this point to plunge straight into an account of the adjectival system and how it produces such results as those above ; and in fact we should state clearly at this point that readers who prefer to build up the picture piece by piece , assessing the validity of the connexion between data and theory by starting from the evidential end , may pass immediately to Chapter 2 without any disadvantage .
28 The court heard that Lucy who is thirty three has suffered a serious and intractable illness for thirteen years .
29 Well I think there 's a difficulty here because I think one of the questions is a matter of perspective erm how do you define how you define what sexual harassment is is to an extent a factor of your perspective on the question in that I think that tutors who have been thinking about it in recent years , and women tutors , who have taken the lead in it , have tended to think about the implications from the institutional perspective , that is how do tutors behave to their students and in what ways may that affect students ' studies and their live in the college .
30 Yeah , I mean what was nice in , in a way was that er I could n't go to the last meeting I was n't well , I had a cold er , what was nice in a way was that David who 's the general manager and the general manager from Pitlochry had come in , I mean in a way it was a classic case
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