Example sentences of "i did in " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The pleasure of being top , and nothing else , except the interest of my father , made me do such homework as I did in the evenings … .
2 I did in myself . ’
3 I would have liked to have shown the audience last night the footage that I did in Panama .
4 Nevertheless , I think you will understand that to one not accustomed to committing such errors , this development was rather disturbing , and I did in fact begin to entertain all sorts of alarmist theories as to their cause .
5 Asked what I did in Britain I replied ‘ Like you , I am a smallholder ; I farm only ten acres . ’
6 Indeed without any wish to evade my responsibility for subsequent events , I think I may fairly claim that in everything I did in re Karen and her husband I was market-led .
7 At the end of the EFL training course I did in London , a British Council type gave us all a pep talk before we were packed off to Ankara or Kuala Lumpur .
8 ‘ Well , ’ I replied nervously , ‘ This is some of the stuff I did in the early days , it 's all medical and rather boring .
9 ‘ The truth is I knew throughout the summer that my game was not as sharp and I was not enjoying myself on the course as I did in 1991 .
10 But remember I 'm a writer , and there 's a lot of difference between what I did in the '70s and what so many of them did . ’
11 ‘ The review of ‘ I 'm Never Gon na Die Again' in Select started off saying that all the guitar playing that I did in The Birthday Party was genius and that since then I 've been very vague and confused .
12 Which really is the worst sort of hype , because although I think that some of the things I did in The Birthday Party were good and some of them were great , some of them were just , ‘ So what ? ’
13 Am I just once again to write , as I did in 1916 , a book of amiable daydreams , which everyone will ignore ?
14 I was told that what I did in my bedroom was a private matter .
15 This show is a kind of extension of club events I did in LA a few years back which used computer graphics , big projections , dance music and crowds .
16 It 's kind of ridiculous that I have to backtrack after doing the performance I did in King Of Comedy , but it 's a very mercurial business .
17 I wish to heavens I was still allowed to use the birch and belt as I did in the good old days !
18 And he added : ‘ I 'm just going to take the ball off them at the back in Italy as I did in England .
19 ‘ My coach , Malcolm Arnold , told me that you do n't win gold medals performing like I did in the first round .
20 I sometimes think back to that first talk I did in Mr Taylor 's class , and how scared I was .
21 What I did in the circumstances was go off into an Ollieish riff about je ne sais quoi , keeping Stu achortle without waking the fair Gillian .
22 When I fight I go on to the end , as I did in 1926 . ’
23 That I did in fact think this way , and that her assumptions about my assumptions were in fact correct , is borne out by the fact that I interpreted her words quickly , and that she seemed perfectly satisfied with my interpretation .
24 In case anyone thinks this was unnecessarily drastic , I did in fact leave them for a couple of hours to see if they would come out of their own accord — but they did n't , and I was concerned that they might starve if left to their own devices .
25 And take another tip from me : have your locked-room mystery as a side-issue to your main story as I did in The Perfect Murder , my first Ghote book .
26 This I did in what I thought were circumstances of great secrecy .
27 ‘ If you are grateful to me for what I did in my childhood , I hope you have improved your way of life now .
28 Then I took a year off , and she kept going on and on at me that it 's time to go back to college , so I did in the end .
29 I did in a way , Joe , ’ she said .
30 The first one I did in just a week .
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