Example sentences of "i have [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Could I have a pair of boots ? ’
2 Could I have a drink of water ? ’
3 Most kids have a pretty long list : ‘ Please may I have a Barbie doll with her van and a oops a daisy doll hands down games bensing babys teddy bears leggo my dolley suprise hungry hippoes . ’
4 And then there was this memorable exchange : ‘ Vic , can I have a couple of words please ? ’
5 Ca n't I have a wash and a change first , sergeant ? ’
6 ‘ Mummy , can I have a drink of water ? ’
7 ‘ Could I have a look at them , do you think ? ’
8 ‘ Do I have a wash especially for Dorothea , ’ she glanced up sharply , ‘ with the scented soap ? ’
9 I assume I have a soul , but do I have a soul ?
10 Please could I have a lock of hair ?
11 The main fault I can find with the vehicle is the cab noise at speeds over 40 mph , ( it will only do 60mph ) I know the Land Rover was never meant for motorways but we plan on taking it on our holiday , is it normal for gearboxes to sound like they are going to fly out of the window or do I have a fault ?
12 ‘ Shall I have a look , sir ? ’
13 Can I have a look at the beat-card that takes in Bartholomew Close ? ’
14 Irina said to the doctor , ‘ Could I have a word ? ’
15 Franca , when can I have a drink did the doctor say ? ’
16 Why should n't I have a good old weep ?
17 ‘ Can I have a sister , please , Mama ? ’
18 People do sit down to discuss and pool ideas , but in mainstream broadcasting boundaries are more rigid between technical and conceptual areas and she misses the opportunity to use her technical skills : ‘ If you see a shot that you really like you ca n't just grab the camera and say , ‘ Oh , can I have a go . ’
19 ‘ Can I have a word with you , old boy ? ’
20 ‘ Could I have a word with you , old man ? ’
21 ‘ May I have a list of the dead ? ’ he asked .
22 ‘ Can I have a look ? ’
23 There is a wealth of revealing evidence on the attitudes that affect reading : ‘ His daddy always takes him to bed , and he says ‘ Can I have a story ? ’ said an engineer 's wife , ‘ but he 's been told now that he 's getting a bit too old for stories ’ ’ [ ‘ He ’ is four ] ( Newson and Newson , 1968 , p.274 ) ; ‘ Then I read her a story , ’ said an actor 's wife , ‘ and Rupert listens , and then I show Rupert his little book ’ ’ [ Rupert being sixteen months old ] ( ibid .
24 ‘ Do I have a choice ? ’
25 ‘ Could I have a word with you ? ’
26 ‘ Cal , can I have a drink , please ?
27 ‘ Could I have a drink ? ’ she requested .
28 ‘ Can I have a little time to think it over ? ’
29 Will I have a good enough share of time if I allow myself to listen first and tell second ?
30 Is this a mating ritual or do I have a pair of schizos in the tank ?
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