Example sentences of "i who [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Was it I who persuaded you to fly from your home ?
2 I shall die with that feeling of guilt , that it was I who robbed him of life . ’
3 You have admitted that it was I who caused all the evidence to fall into a pattern .
4 ‘ It was I who carried you to your bed .
5 ‘ He ate little and it was I who brought him food .
6 It was I who brought the Ildana 's Spear , fleeing from Gorias . ’
7 ‘ Sir George called it a ‘ ripping idea , ’ and he must know I need a chaperone so he can hardly object if I take you , since it was I who brought you ! ’
8 It was I who raised it again , with my magic art — summoning it back to sight here on my island .
9 I was surprised that he should sound so definite : it was usually I who pinned down occasions with that sort of fact .
10 Perkin knew it was I who had remembered that the floorboards should have floated , and on Monday he 'd seen the plank on the dining-room table and heard Doone and me talking in close private consultation .
11 It was I who had introduced Thessy to McIllvanney and who had secured him the job with Cutwater , but Bonefish had only allowed his son into the wide wicked world because of his trust in me .
12 Coconut palms , mangroves and many unidentified trees confused me considerably , I who had been used to nothing taller than a stunted elder bush in a croft garden !
13 This is because I can always ask ‘ Would I still prescribe that action if it was I who had that desire ? ’
14 I did not remind him that it was I who had replaced the newspaper with mended panes and the sacking with curtains .
15 As it was I who had spoken , my mother responded sharply .
16 It was not , alas , I who had been inadvertently left alone for two minutes in an antechamber where by chance lay the plan of the Althaus plumbing system — to prove , as so much that is missing does , the crucial piece of evidence when , later , people were trying to fit together the events that fired the conflagration of the civilised world .
17 Sadly it was n't I who had pasted them up .
18 This time it was an inspector I who had come looking for the wing commander , his sergeant and his constable .
19 No one can say that it was I who insisted on having someone in .
20 It was I who cared for her murdered child through his last days . ’
21 Ariel was saying to Sycorax , ‘ Remember , you loved me once , it was I who ran away from you , I did n't understand , I could n't see ahead .
22 ‘ I was close to your father during his great crisis , ’ she said , ‘ and it was I who led him astray .
23 ‘ Then let's say it was I who felt embarrassed ! ’
24 After all it was I who recommended them to use Nadirpur . ’
25 School and college for Robert divided us anyway , and it was Ann and I who spent all our time together .
26 Your ideas are rather undeveloped and ignorant and , after all , it was I who saw the solicitor .
27 Several plain-clothes detectives went further and telephoned a commentator on commercially-owned Ulster Television and asked to be quoted as anonymous detectives in the police division responsible for Rathcoole I who knew that no evidence whatsoever existed against the men arrested .
28 This time it was I who disintegrated .
29 When I faltered as the realization hit me that it was n't Mum who 'd neglected me , but I who 'd neglected Mum , Pyke said gently , ‘ I think you may like to be in my next production . ’
30 Of course , ’ he added with a twisted smile , ‘ it was n't until your last day in the office that I realised you were under the impression that it was I who 'd had the affair with Elise . ’
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