Example sentences of "i feel that " in BNC.

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1 And why had n't I felt that shock of surprise I should have felt ?
2 And only when I have experienced this pressure , through them , and absorbed it , can I feel that here is the beginning of an interpretation .
3 Not until I was out in the open countryside again , reassured by the songs of the birds and the murmur of streams did I feel that I had emerged from a dream and rejoined the familiar twentieth century .
4 Nor can I feel that the far finer E flat Symphony has much to commend it as a performance , beyond its solid assurance and resilient rhythm .
5 I feel that working in partnership with the client , and with other agencies , is the most effective way of ensuring the needs of our clients are met . ’
6 I feel that this is reflected not just in the increased knowledge of the students but also in a change of attitude and a few greater degrees of empathy . ’
7 I feel that this sentence is far too harsh .
8 I feel that Albert Maillard , if he existed , would have no time for Kapuscinski 's impressionism , for his absence of dates , figures and state papers , and that Albert Maillard would be wrong .
9 Nevertheless I feel that I have a responsibility to the public and to the world of art both to present your unpublished writings in as comprehensible a form as possible , and at the same time to correct some of the misleading impressions these might give , not of course about yourself , but about others , casually mentioned here and there in the course of your jottings .
10 I feel that , as chefs , we have the opportunity to provide a very personal service within this sector , and to become really involved with our clients , ’ he says .
11 My own taste for formal furniture tends to fall between the ‘ Arts and Crafts ’ and ‘ Modern ’ , rather than ‘ Repro ’ , and yet looking at modern designs you see in exhibitions , I doubt their ‘ long-sit ’ comfort and , personally , I feel that the limits of acceptable elegance are frequently passed by many , in the cause of being different .
12 In a separate publication1 , I feel that I have shown that the inter-reaction processes involved when two dominant forms of ion are present can cause one ion form to screen the geomagnetic field effective on the other form to bring about a resonance at a frequency of up to 1.5 times higher that that for a single ion .
13 I feel that I would like
14 I feel that I 've gone as far as I can here , ’ Knowles said .
15 I feel that their movement follows the tradition of Mahatma Gandhi which has deeply inspired me ever since I was a small boy .
16 He is perfectly earnest when he says , ‘ I feel that the people who run the big national companies are in my way .
17 I feel that if I do n't sing , the world will pass me by , ’ she says .
18 If he actually put his foot down and said , ‘ No , I think that 's ridiculous ’ , everyone shut up and listened , and I feel that this was the first time that he realised that he did have the powers of leadership , not only on stage but also off stage . ’
19 I feel that David did n't want to face it and I do n't think Tony wanted to face it .
20 Did you know I feel that if I thought ( and if you ever did , I should know it as soon as the thought had crossed your brain ) you doubted my perfect love , truth , sincerity and striving for goodness , I must indeed give up all the good I have gained , and gain daily , by your love and mine .
21 Already this freedom has benefited him , and when I know of the good I have done him , I feel that freedom is the only way to greater purity …
22 Now we have to be careful with the word ‘ redemptive ’ because in a final way only Christ 's sufferings can be deemed truly redemptive ; but I feel that we can make guarded use of the term .
23 I feel that you need a complete rest before you can resume normal life .
24 But now I feel that I actually have the ability . ’
25 ‘ Nevertheless I feel that Crevecoeur is being shielded by Malamute .
26 Then someone will call us and they will take a blood sample , and I will be terrified as the needle goes in and I feel that they are draining me , that I have no blood left to give .
27 I feel that the doctors might accidentally tear me up , or that I might flap off the bed in a gust of wind and float away .
28 School makes me nervous ; when I walk down the corridor I feel that everyone is staring at me , and because a lot of people know about my anorexia they think it their job to comment constantly on what I am eating or not eating , and how much better I look now that I 've put on weight .
29 Now I feel that I should just get on with it , do my studying , finish school , leave home , begin my ‘ future ’ .
30 I feel that if you feel good about yourself generally , then you feel good about your appearance .
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