Example sentences of "i mean as " in BNC.

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1 I 'm sorry erm as far as the schools are concerned you had presumably a lot of contact I mean as part of the national curriculum is if if you like is to build contact with the community and the schools .
2 I mean as , as a , the fact is that , like providing services for the young people is legally the responsibility for Es of Essex County Council .
3 Well I think it 's very important Robert because , I mean as the charter for the arts indicated look at the money that local authorities are spending upstairs to us and really you know we , we are
4 But I mean as any adoptive parent here will tell you , the strains when you adopt a child , or adopt children , very disturbed children are much worse !
5 Well that 's my idea and I mean as a , then we got the other War .
6 Now having said that I mean the late long established er unit trust group , I mean as a , as a company we 've got to be very careful who we use , we 've got an approved list erm in London and in Bournemouth we have erm a , a department which analyzes products , and those products come onto our approved list when they 've , when they 've fulfilled a number of criteria .
7 It 's just I mean as philosophy just very standardly takes words from ordinary language gradually gets a technical meaning , er which is different from the original meaning and then when ordinary speakers use it in the original meaning they get told off .
8 It 's been approved , but I mean as interest exactly what what 's been approved .
9 What are the other techniques you do , if you 've do a bit of I mean as a sales trainer , I tend to walk around quite a lot and talks about what ?
10 Is it , what is it definite , I mean as a regular or just the one off or what ?
11 Erm I mean as an ol as the Old Floral Hall they must have had
12 I mean he went to school , he went to oh school , but he lived at Enfield and erm , you 'd have never thought then that he had got it in him and , so dry I said to dad I said he never ought to be a bus driver , cos the things he comes out with , he 'd have to be a comedian , I mean he 's , I mean as er , what , they used to call the comedians did n't they , three or four of them on the telly , and I mean
13 I mean as an acquaintance I could tolerate her but I .
14 Well the girl yeah that girl that came with us , she had , I mean as a rule I , I do n't have
15 wanted control on nuclear weapons , or wanted to abolish nuclear weapons but they the the Labour government did n't get in on that basis so they had to modify their and I mean as
16 Yeah , course I mean as a bat er pitched a bat on this is a beau a beauty but are there are rough spots which you 've helping the slow left arm , or help any spinner .
17 No , when I said my business I meant as in the firm , I do n't mean as in myself .
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