Example sentences of "i see [art] " in BNC.

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1 I seen a blind man once — he 'd got a stick so he could tap the pavement so he did n't fall down no holes .
2 I seen a rosy on your cheek , I see them fade away .
3 I seen the sergeant rolling his eyes .
4 I seen the love you wanted and it renewed me .
5 Oh I seen the film
6 I seen a photo of her , ’ I say .
7 Only once since that evening have I seen a more beautiful woman , a quiet girl sipping coffee in a tawdry dump misnamed The Lollipop .
8 NEVER before have I seen a more pressing need for a statement from Dame Barbara Cartland .
9 Never have I seen a happier set of fellows , and with an equal share of luck we shall not be defeated on Saturday . ’
10 How have I seen the casual passer through the Cloisters stand still , intranced with admiration ( while he weighed the disproportion between the speech and the garb of the young Mirandula ) , to hear thee unfold , in thy deep and sweet intonations , the mysteries of Jamblichus , or Plotinus ( for even in those years thou waxedst not pale at such philosophic draughts ) , or reciting Homer in his Greek , or Pindar — while the walls of the old Grey Friars re-echoed to the accents of the inspired charity-boy !
11 Only before embarking on a major expedition have I seen the tension surface in Andy .
12 Rarely have I seen the ‘ Whads ’ play with such composure , flair and skill .
13 The original author of this book commented in the House of Commons , ‘ Seldom have I seen the House or the Government in quite such a mess … as we are in over this Bill … this House does not contain a majority for this Bill .
14 Er and of course I seen the present managers are , are th the one you know only just lives down the road here he 's recently retired .
15 I have not seen the remarks quoted by the hon. Lady , and neither have I seen the context in which they were put or what else was said .
16 Had I seen the extraordinary edition of the Observer newspaper , carrying extracts from the government 's official report into the Al Fayeds ' purchase of the House of Fraser group ?
17 Yeah I s , cos I seen the car .
18 . Well in that today he says er when I seen the syringe coming out I just , I 'll not be in the room if he 's getting injected .
19 Never did I see a grander scene — immense rocks rising perpendicularly from the glen to such a height as pained the neck of the spectator , and terminating in the most bold and fantastic manner .
20 We seated ourselves and he regarded us expectantly , so I opened with , ‘ Can you tell me all about lymphomas and can I see a lymph node ? ’
21 ‘ Could I see a lawyer for you ? ’
22 As my old friend , the Communist priest , performed the last rites , did I see a half smile on those weatherbeaten features ?
23 Do I see a groom ? ’
24 Rarely do I see a parent who has decided to buy a book as a present .
25 Should I see a specialist ?
26 And did I see a er a game where you join things ?
27 Tell me was I dreaming or did I see a sketch on T V where there 's a car driving round , down the road being chased by the police and the driver said to the passenger er here take this and he says what 's that for and he says it 's to steer the car , presses a button and the car splits
28 May I see the room now ? ’
29 ‘ Could I see the place before I decide anything else ? ’
30 The assistant fetched a man from the back — please can I see the male assistant to explain what I want ? — who nodded gravely .
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