Example sentences of "you into [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I 've got you into Mondano society . ’
2 Well I mean , everybody goes to Robert does their off shore survival which takes you into helicopter survival and l launching lifeboats off the platform and life rafts ev and er that done I mean you get your certificates and what not for that and everybody is to get refresher courses every two or three years , I 'm not really sure which .
3 ‘ Yes Please ’ is n't designed to blow you into oblivion , more lull you into a false sense of security .
4 Yet we blame the Germans for not defying a regime which would melt you into soap .
5 ‘ If that does n't kick-start you into life , nothing will ! ’
6 None who got close enough to lure you into marriage ? ’
7 You do n't want to think they 're only saying that to get you into bed .
8 Look at you — a few sneezes and she pops you into bed like a six year old . "
9 You think I 'm trying to get you into bed so I can have some sort of hold over you .
10 ‘ Jaysus is n't that great , if you were six years older I 'd take you into Shea 's and put you up on my knee and buy you a gin and it . ’
11 When you want to go further afield , a fifteen minute bus or taxi ride takes you into Bodrum for sightseeing or nightclubbing .
12 Suddenly the garage owner , whom you still employ to maintain the car , hauls you into court to block the sale .
13 ‘ That reference to judges ; you were n't thinking I might drag you into court and do battle over Thomas ? ’
14 Well they say they 're gon na put you into court , you get it paid do n't you , before anything goes further ?
15 I 'm going ask you to do an exercise now and split you into groups of three .
16 I think this Adam Carver will try to charm you into signing .
17 The return flight will get you into Gatwick at 9.30 pm and the price is £149 .
18 ‘ And you just got up in front of Henry and those pipsqueaks in your department and said , ‘ Sorry and all that , old chaps , but I 've been wrong all my life and led you into error and wickedness ’ ? ’
19 • Look great in that dress — fast-working exercises to get you into shape for the party season
20 Stephanie , who on screen proved she was Queen Bitch , turned on Caulfield , sharpened her acting talons and told him , ‘ Not only am I going to prove in front of the camera that I am your mother , but I 'm also the person who will knock you into shape . ’
21 Clip the coupon and we 'll reveal the full picture of how easily Ultratone gets you into shape — and into fashion .
22 ‘ Let's get it clear , if I 'm going to knock you into shape , you 'll obey orders , answer up smartly when you 're spoken to , and be alert at all times .
23 I 'll lick you into shape .
24 ‘ Unfortunately fate delivered you into Melanie 's hands before Nigel arrived .
25 And I ca n't decide whether it 's , you 're A types and you go into construction , or you 're in construction and it makes you into A types .
26 Do n't let a successful venture or pleasing gain early this week lull you into complacency .
27 Taking more or extra vitamins will neither make you into Superwoman or Superman , nor speed your rate of weight loss .
28 It is very important that you do n't allow impatience to tempt you into over-exposure and sunburn .
29 It had better be a pretty big one , though , or the gravitational forces will tear you into spaghetti before you get inside .
30 You said that you have a good job — does n't it bring you into contact with all sorts ?
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