Example sentences of "you as it " in BNC.

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1 I know it will give as much joy and satisfaction to you as it will to me , to know that we have played our part in this great crusade for children 's health .
2 It is not fair to expect your local delicatessen to do it for you as it takes a long time to slice the whole ham and Parma must be cut thinly .
3 But to enjoy these blessings near you , to see you daily , to tell you all my thoughts in their first birth , and to hear yours , to be mingling identities with you as it were , — the vision-wearing fancy has indeed often pictured such things , but hope never dared whisper a promise .
4 All around the coast of Lanzarote are long beaches of dark golden sand , washed by the clear blue Atlantic ocean — and , if you 're a windsurfing fanatic , then Lanzarote is the one place for you as it 's one of the world 's top resorts with excellent facilities for both beginners and the more experienced .
5 Fig 78 It is dangerous to be positioned behind the board and rig , because the wave will throw them towards you as it passes .
6 This is as much to do with you as it is to do with me .
7 This aside , the Tropical Swimming Paradise is an excellent place , forcing you as it does , to revert to the age of ten and act accordingly .
8 You come and go with your offerings of help and affection , knowing that what they really need is a constant presence , and sometimes this knowledge can be as painful for you as it is for them .
9 Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you , so that you may guard ( against evil ) Surrah 11 , 183
10 This one 's just as much of a prezzie for you as it is for him because it smells absolutely delicious !
11 I hope it works as well for you as it has me .
12 When knitting your samples did you notice that although the back bed was making the pattern , the design actually shows on the work facing you as it comes down between the beds ?
13 Your profile is coming up very clearly indeed on the oscillograph , and the profile provokes its own continuation , did you know that , the profile moulds you as it oscillates ?
14 You could feel the floor trembling beneath you as it turned on the power and climbed . ’
15 So heavy it would crush you as it pushed from side to side .
16 At first the language helper repeats each phrase for you as it is played back and you write it down , but your aim should be that when you have worked out a phonemic script for the language you teach the language helper to transcribe texts for you .
17 ‘ But who or why or how , ’ he continued , ‘ is as much a mystery to you as it is to me , Sir Edmund .
18 Hoping this finds you as it leaves me we are none of us getting any younger Yours Sincerely Fred Bottomley .
19 Your poor wife ca n't be seeing much of you as it is . ’
20 I hope you think that this is important more important to you as it were than it is , is to us because you the clubs and the sailing schools really really must take these sorts of messages on board , not perhaps all of that list there but I would pick out erm that the message that we want to get across to young people , I would pick out the words fun , the words challenging , the words safe , alright .
21 We have an infrastructure that 's been built up over twenty years so er and you 've read our brochure and I hope it 's it was as impressive to you as it is to most people .
22 But I thought you were so experienced that it would n't have affected you as it did me . ’
23 erm which should be , you know , enough , but again if there 's a problem then my phone number is on your collection card which is there and I 'll come out and re-stock you as it were
24 Pet Plan has a policy called RIDER PLAN ( FREEFONE 0800 282250 ) which would be ideal for you as it aims at regular riders who do not own their own horse or pony .
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