Example sentences of "you say [conj] " in BNC.

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1 You say that — with your grandfather drooling in his bed !
2 ‘ If you say that capital punishment is a deterrent , how do you explain that 87 per cent of all murderers convicted over the last 10 years thought there still was capital punishment ? ’
3 You say that 01 for London has approval from the IBA to look for sponsorship whereas The South Bank Show does not .
4 In ‘ Publishing in Cuba ’ ( February 9th ) you say that ‘ local scientists are trying to fathom out how to turn sugar cane into paper ’ .
5 Again I agree with you when you say that equality of husband and wife is an absolute necessity to the well-being of the family … .
6 The way you say that it sounds like crap , but I guess the essence of it makes sense .
7 You say that with some feeling , Wilson ?
8 When you say that , partner , you better smile .
9 You make everything sound rosy , then you say that something 's the matter .
10 You make everything sound rosy , then you say that it 's awful .
11 You say that she has a mineral lick — have you tried a plain salt lick ?
12 ‘ Well , ’ they continue , ‘ we 've been reading your columns and we 're just a little bit worried that you might mean it when you say that the European Community is a fraudulent delusion ; the German economy is kaput ; the French are morally bankrupt ; racism is becoming endemic ; America 's had it ; Britain 's in for five years of total chaos and the middle-classes will soon be taking to the streets .
13 You say that there is no group in your area , but you can still contact them by letter .
14 Another idea , suggested by Nic Picot , is that you say that you are going to predict under which of five cups the audience is going to leave a coin .
15 At this point you say that in the night they all wanted to have a party so they got up .
16 You say that Hatchetfish are not suitable for a beginner , nor should they be sold to someone who is setting up an aquarium for the first time .
17 When you say that , there 's immediately a flood of records that I think about that are all so unbelievably unrelated to one another … ’
18 On the album sleeve of ‘ Back To The Light ’ you say that you use both old and new AC30s .
19 In the video you say that a gap of ″ should be the distance between the body of the guitar ( Strat ) and the underside of the bridge plate .
20 The counsellor said , ‘ You are describing Sarah in a very loving and respectful way — but you sound angry when you say that you expect me to pull you up for not describing her as a lover , too .
21 ‘ I do not know what sort of a man you have become , Mikhail , and you say that you do not remember me .
22 ‘ If you say that about the Irish , why did you marry my mother ? ’
23 You say that the paintings have been handed down .
24 If then you say that in such cases the mind thinks , I would only draw your attention to the fact that you are using a metaphor , that here the mind is an agent in a different sense from that in which the hand can be said to be the agent in writing .
25 We have a strong tendency to reject it — ‘ Go on , you say that to all your sales people ! ’
26 I say that perhaps you might be a ‘ vulnerable ’ person , because you say that you 've always been ‘ a bit of a worrier ’ , finding it difficult to relax ; and your mother also appears to have been an anxious person .
27 It is then a matter of preference whether you say that they can not choose the goals or that they can not form strategies to achieve them or both .
28 If you say that children are completely non-rational then you have to account for the fact that they become rational , and to do that it appears from these examples that you have to assume that they already are .
29 You say that I have the endurance — you say it in order to give me strength .
30 If you say that the Nationalists of Ireland have a right to claim to go out of the united Kingdom as a community if you say that five or six per cent of the whole of the United Kingdom have that right because they wish to have separate rule for themselves , how can you say that a body in Ireland , not five or six per cent , but twenty-five per cent of the whole population , has not an equal right to separate treatment ?
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