Example sentences of "you [v-ing] of " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes she and Henry sat together in the car , a few streets away from their home , munching chocolate bars , while in the back of the Passat huge cardboard boxes of grains , wholewheat cereal , low-fat spreads and calorie-free , taste-free things to stop you dying of cancer awaited Elinor 's approval .
2 Are you looking of pictures of you and Amy on the bed together Is that what it is ?
3 Including the colours , or are you speaking of the drawing ?
4 ‘ What are you speaking of ? ’
5 ‘ What in the gods ’ names are you talking of , Kim ? ’
6 So what are you making of your life ?
7 ‘ Where are you thinking of going , love ? ’
8 ‘ Where are you thinking of going ? ’
9 ‘ How much are you thinking of paying me ? ’
10 The next stage is to go to the manufacturers of the machines you thinking of installing and get the plan dimensions of their products .
11 Are you thinking of taking the plunge , Michael ? ’
12 What are you thinking of ?
13 What the hell were you thinking of doing ?
14 ‘ What are you thinking of , eh ?
15 What were you thinking of ? ’
16 Mid-June finds you thinking of changing your place of residence and by July you 're going to be happier than you have been in quite some time !
17 In terms of what you write these days , are you thinking of a style ?
18 Are you thinking of an era ?
19 When she explained to Sidney Carrow that she was pregnant , he had said shyly , somehow seeming to express both pleasure and pain , ‘ Where were you thinking of going ?
20 ‘ What are you thinking of ?
21 ‘ Are you thinking of Hartnell or Creed — or maybe Stiebel ? ’
22 Their peppy ensemble style and ambitious sound gets you thinking of the '70s boom era for Irish acts like The Bothy Band and Clannad , a time when there seemed to be masses of energy and ideas around .
23 ‘ Were you thinking of applying ? ’ she asked .
24 Were you thinking of visiting me this morning ? ’
25 ‘ Mr Newman , were you thinking of flying to Finland during the near future by any chance ? ’
26 ‘ So , now that you 're home , are you thinking of staying at all ?
27 You thinking of going erm
28 Respondents in the health and lifestyle survey were asked ‘ Think of someone who is very healthy , who are you thinking of and why do you call them healthy ? ’
29 ‘ Who were you thinking of ? ’ asked Liddy curiously .
30 Were you thinking of Essex when you wrote this ? ’
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