Example sentences of "you [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 What you effectively have in the AIS part of Skymaster is a selective scan of much of the current information you ought to be looking at if you 're planning a flight in the UK or near Europe .
2 If you turn down the job you may feel even more upset — if you eventually have to resign , at least you 'll have tested out your resources .
3 You obviously have n't listened .
4 He again promised a letter from John Wright , but instead it was he who again wrote at the end of October , ‘ You obviously have n't read my letter carefully . ’
5 You obviously have n't ? ’
6 You obviously have an interest in the world about you and want to play a part in preserving it .
7 ‘ I thought we played some good stuff against Oldham but when you concede three goals you obviously have problems — if you score three at home you should run out winners . ’
8 You obviously have to work it out in some way , but you seem able to arrive at the answer almost instantly .
9 You obviously have not the slightest regard for people 's property or , in this case , people 's feelings and rights of privacy . ’
10 " You obviously have n't heard of the noble institution of the congaie ? "
11 ‘ Look , ’ Reynolds said , ‘ you obviously have no idea of just how nasty this could turn . ’
12 Second point : although you obviously have such a low opinion of me that it does n't strain your credulity to believe that I was making love to two women at once , one of them married , I ca n't believe that even you could see me in the role of toy-boy .
13 You obviously have some doubts about me ? ’
14 You obviously have n't got the first idea when it comes to a relationship …
15 Er I mean you obviously have to make erm decisions about that and so on .
16 You obviously have it very hard .
17 Could you give us some indi give us some indication as to how erm supportable the excellent performance in Penguin is likely to be through nineteen ninety three looking forward , you obviously have a particularly high level of best sellers ?
18 You obviously have Therese in mind for Adele in the new production of Luxembourg — so much more suitable for her , an older woman — I would have thought you could let poor little Ingrid have her moment of triumph in Gypsy Baron . ’
19 You obviously have the extra special festive remix .
20 I 'm , I 'm , I 'm , I 'm sorry , I 'm sorry Councillor , but you obviously have n't been listening to debate this morning , the issue is about the settlement that we have received .
21 ‘ If he 's such an unreliable , untrustworthy individual , ’ she put to him , ‘ someone whom you obviously have no time for , how come you employ him ?
22 ‘ But you obviously have n't , ’ he added dully .
23 You obviously have n't been eating properly — ’
24 Well I think you two ladies are very fortunate , and you obviously have come from homes that have encouraged you very much , and have come from schools that have encouraged you very much .
25 You obviously have n't had time to look at these , and I just wanted to say one or two things
26 You do n't have to be careful , you obviously have
27 He added : ‘ You only have to look at the figures for fire deaths in hotels to see this is not a problem .
28 Usually , if the speed is low , you only have a few seconds either to lower the nose or to reduce the amount of airbrake to avoid a bad landing .
29 You only have to look at the balance sheet its treasurer John Lister will present to its annual meeting in December , a million pounds sitting on reserve .
30 Yet you only have to read Ronald Blythe 's Akenfield to realise that these picturesque , half-timbered cottages , often painted the characteristic Essex pink ( pale salmon ) , ochre or spring-leaf green , are more prosperous now than ever in the ‘ real ’ past .
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