Example sentences of "you [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 What you effectively have in the AIS part of Skymaster is a selective scan of much of the current information you ought to be looking at if you 're planning a flight in the UK or near Europe .
2 There are others who never will , and you 'll have a constant battle to establish you right to have a share in making decisions , and knowing where the money goes .
3 Do you want to check into a hostel just in case it rains or would you rather have another night in the park ? ’
4 Which would you rather have in your garden — sticky clay or thin , hungry sand ?
5 Paddy retired virtually unhurt after a characteristic bit of Para boldness under fire : ‘ Who would you rather have as Foreign Secretary : David Steel or Gerald Kaufman ? ’ he demanded , inviting a show of hands .
6 Or would you rather have the security of knowing that , whenever in the years to come your employer may decide , for whatever reason , that you should go , you will be cushioned by a generous notice period which allows you to look for something else without the fear that very shortly the money will be running out ?
7 I shouted to Steve ‘ Hey Steve , would n't you rather have failed on this route than have succeeded on the Japanese Route ? ’
8 Gordon Bennett , if you had the choice between a mouthful of spunk or a prattfull , what would you rather have ? ’
9 unc Would you rather have of this fruit pie or 0.25 of it ?
10 Would you rather have a woman on the throne of England ? ’
11 Would you rather have them roaming the countryside on trail bikes or all-terrain vehicles ?
12 Which would you rather have ? ’
13 I 'll run you home ; or would you rather have a brandy ? ’
14 Two re , why why would you rather have it in centimetres ?
15 Do n't you , almost , you can almost hear behind the text saying , would n't you rather have a woman like that
16 Would n't you rather have a woman with a mind of her own ?
17 Would n't you , if if if if you had Ann if you had the choice of these two what would you rather have ?
18 Oh you get that and use that and then if there 's any invoices to do I 'll borrow it or would you rather have one of those ?
19 would you rather have it like that ?
20 Would you rather have a cup of tea ?
21 Would you rather have Mrs Macdonald ?
22 Would n't you rather have a hot cross bun ?
23 Would you rather have a job ?
24 a good choice for instance , right , all you say to somebody is do you prefer the traditional right or would you prefer the modern styles , right in other words would you like Georgian or would you rather have leaded
25 So I give you the choice of a , a Lamborghini or a Rover what would you rather have ?
26 What would you rather have — a charge or a general thinning out of staffing levels — and almost unanimously it was ‘ We 'd rather pay a reasonable charge ’ .
27 So is that quite adequate , or would you rather have night bells ?
28 You presumably had to work on the orchestra section by section .
29 Building up relationships was very much like collecting little islands — you jumped from one to another to another to another — and if you were lucky you eventually had a network .
30 When you eventually had your own gallery , did you start by showing Constructivist Art ?
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