Example sentences of "you [verb] even " in BNC.

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1 your movements coming outwards you stretch the skin and you make even more lines come around that area .
2 ( Notice that the case in the picture has had its power supply and disk drives removed to allow you to see even more . )
3 It must have been their sheer size and the impression of power you got even when they were standing still .
4 You still looked nine thirty and then could you make even or did you have to wait around ?
5 Include anything you feel you want even if it 's not realistic or sensible .
6 But do you think even a man like Evans , managing director for Europe , would risk his position by going into business on his own ?
7 In this instance you may be regarded as falling short in the modesty stakes , as your question may be interpreted to mean that you want even more adulation .
8 ‘ I do n't doubt that , Claudia , but you also want to keep me away from Garry , ’ she added shrewdly , ‘ and you want even more to keep me away from Roman .
9 You can leave it there if you want even though it 's the ladies
10 You can leave it there if you want even though it 's the ladies
11 If you press even one or two types of flower you could possibly decorate a photograph of your holiday with a pressed flower mount ( see pp. 136–7 ) .
12 Do n't you know even notice the names ?
13 you know you maybe err on the safe side a bit but as you say even if it 's erm well thirty hours would be getting
14 The doctor at the hospital told me about the pill , but said you have to take them regularly and if you forget even once , then you 'll get pregnant .
15 You will be reasonably happy with all this ; you overtook even the most intelligent chickens some time ago and moved smoothly into top gear , taking a fluency in English for granted .
16 Look at the diagram below and see how misery or depression can lead to physical symptoms — which in turn make you feel even more miserable .
17 To make you feel even more comfortable .
18 To make you feel even more confident , all our loans offer free life protection , up to a maximum outstanding balance of £15,000 .
19 The ladies and gentlemen who deliver those little charity envelopes make you feel even worse .
20 ‘ When you 've patched things up , do you feel even closer together than before ? ’
21 I was amazed you 'd even heard of it , to tell the truth . ’
22 That was gone before you 'd even learned to sit Up by yourself . ’
23 All those lies for Ewen Mackay before you 'd even met him ? ’
24 You look even over there on that building there 's above the window there 's a drip course , by the doorway , is a drip course for the rain coming down dripping off .
25 Need watering a bit , have those back up there and really you seem even worse than oh were going to go and do your bedroom .
26 I hope you remember even more her answer to it , because the question is , Do you agree with it ?
27 erm and with this money that I 'm going to earn in the first six weeks and then possibly erm getting a job while I 'm doing the correspondence course erm you know even if it 's just bar work and especially
28 Unless they of course there were different sorts of that you know even .
29 even though you know Even although you know it .
30 Very much er so although wages at the end of the war were n't so big you know even then er
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