Example sentences of "that must have " in BNC.

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1 A sliver of white that must 've been teeth .
2 There is less scorn in the novel than there had been in the article , and a pity that must have come as surprise to readers of his work .
3 I mean I had no idea that by doing ‘ I left no ring with her ’ by Viola I was doing something that must have been heard a hundred times that day — I had no idea .
4 ‘ Well , if it was intended as a distraction , then that must have been the moment when he poisoned his wife .
5 Despite the humour , which was lapped up by an appreciative crowd , it was a sad spectacle and one that must have left her regretting her comments , when asked about her chances at Wimbledon .
6 He derived some comfort from Rajiv 's habitual elegance ; wearing a suit , shirt and tie that must have cost two months of his salary as an Assistant Under-Secretary of State , he was sitting at the other side of the large , uncompromising desk that the Department provides for its most senior officials , not a hair out of place and his black eyes alive with amusement .
7 I could n't help but imagine the scene of panic and desperation that must have taken place a few hours earlier - the young dolphin fighting and dying in a few frantic spasms , its grieving mother well able to defend her child from sharks but helpless against a silent , resisting wall of nylon . ’
8 She had smelly white plastic miniskirts with heavy steel chain belts that must have belonged to some fetishist , and acrylic ribbed halter-tops clinging to her almost concave tits .
9 On the last day of the 1988 American presidential election Dukakis went on a whirlwind tour that must have been dreamed up by a desperate team .
10 It 's a work that must have seemed to sum up the traumas of the war years and their aftermath for you ?
11 Lord Wyatt , the chairman , was about the only one not interviewed in two inserts that must have delighted the Tote 's public relations people .
12 Perhaps it is fortunate that the fossil record preserved only a fraction of the truly stupendous total number of species that must have lived since the Cambrian , for otherwise the scientists ' task to catalogue 600 million years of life would be an impossible one .
13 He is not making a temporal point about something that must have happened ‘ in the beginning ’ — the first push .
14 The façade is squat and heavy — the architect deliberately lowered it to allow a frontal view of the octagonal tiborium that surmounts the cupola — but it is difficult not to admire the effort that must have gone into it .
15 It 's eerie walking silently between these ghost summer villages that must have once echoed to children playing , women gossiping and men complaining about being paid for their labours with books of Gaelic poetry .
16 He 's in his late forties , tall , has a good deal of rather wild , greying hair , and a cardigan that must have been home-made .
17 South and west of the Canaries , the Atlantic extends emptily for thousands of kilometres , broken only by the Cape Verde Islands ( also volcanic ) and two tiny specks of land , St Peter and St Paul 's Rocks , which are not strictly volcanic , oddly enough , but are composed of material that must have been derived from much deeper levels in the Earth than most volcanic rocks .
18 ‘ Do you remember , ’ a typical conversation might begin , ‘ that time back in December of '59 when Waimea was unrideable and Greg Noll caught that wave that must have been thirty-foot plus ? ’
19 The hope was realized — but in a style that must have exceeded even Chapman 's wildest dreams .
20 As for myself , I arrived at the first weekend in a state of high evangelism that must have bored everyone I met .
21 A wooden mansion was quite an inviting residence : it consisted of the saloon of a large ship that must have been wrecked in the neighbourhood .
22 It is a conclusion that must have been popular with the Department of the Environment which funded two of the studies .
23 The News International ban was just the type of dispute that must have been envisaged when the Code was drawn up .
24 We were looked at with the same sense of distrust that must have greeted the first plumber who installed running water there .
25 Oh , and sixteen tons of alum that must have been left over from Phocoea . ’
26 I 'll sit there and watch some guy and go , ‘ Man , the work that must have gone into that ! ’ and they 're just whizzing right along making it look easy , but at the same time it does n't make those hairs stand up .
27 It was a story that must have touched the whole nation 's hearts .
28 The headmistress let out a yell that must have rattled every window-pane in the building and for the second time in the last five minutes she shot out of her chair like a rocket .
29 A magazine rack overflowed with rolled newspapers : they had obviously arrived by post , but many were unopened , as though Reid had n't had time to catch up with news that must have been at least a month old .
30 At Scourie , the A.894 reaches the sea and again turns south , now in the close company of a very attractive coastal area , a labyrinth of inlets , bays , cliffs , promontories and lochans in a colourful and confusing array that must have sorely tested the surveyors and cartographers of the Ordnance Survey .
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