Example sentences of "that people [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 The major inhibitions to this process are a natural reserve , the fact that people may not be used to being open about their feelings , a lack of trust caused by limited understanding and , finally , reserve brought about by the relative status of team members , personality and gender issues and a lack of training .
2 The presence of Asian women advice workers has attracted a good response from the Asian community and the informality is attracting more family and personal enquiries of the sort that people may have felt uncomfortable about bringing previously .
3 H. So that people may continue to enjoy the scenery , many parts of the land , mainly near the coast , have been classified as Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty .
4 There is also the danger with sending a letter that people may misread it — or just look at it and not read it properly .
5 Remember that people may still be able to hear , even though all other senses have failed .
6 It would also be an appropriate time to institute similar legislation to that of the US government in order to keep company profits stable , thereby maintaining research levels , and at the same time ensure that people may benefit from drugs that would otherwise not be available because they were not profitable to produce .
7 A musical snob can miss the fact that people may actually want to buy a certain kind of thing . ’
8 A musical snob can miss the fact that people may actually want to buy a certain kind of thing
9 Or that people may differ in colour ,
10 It admits that people may be driven to vice by desperation or cruel social circumstances .
11 First , any illusions that people may have had about Britain were soon dispelled : Britain still refused to accept anything above a loose intergovernmental structure .
12 The restless shifting tides of the US computer industry ensure that people may at times be down , but few are out for long , and out of the gathering gloom of the Everex Systems Inc Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings has sprung a new company , also in Fremont , California , raring to make its mark .
13 Some of the similarities between the East Asian and the pre-Columbian American civilisations can be explained by the fact that people may have moved across the bridge of land which connected north-east Asia to north-west America 15,000 or more years ago .
14 Authors who recognize the significance of manipulation , indoctrination , or ‘ conditioned power ’ ( Galbraith , 1985 ) believe that people may make mistakes in deciding what are their interests , and accept definitions of their interests foisted upon them by the powerful .
15 So public housing fails to provide for personal mobility in changing relationships , or for different needs that people may have .
16 ‘ It is a simple fact , often forgotten , ’ says Roma , ‘ that people may create something good merely by thinking it so .
17 Some people may not want to send Christmas cards or eat meat at least once a week ( two of Townsend 's indicators of conventional British life ) : the implication is that Townsend grossly exaggerates the incidence of poverty because he ignores the fact that people may choose to do without such things .
18 For one thing , it is quite possible that people may feel free and independent even when they are actually being manipulated .
19 In this climate , it is likely that people may look at the Office of Innovation model through analytical eyes .
20 First , it is clear that balancing necessitates some judgment as to how much we value a particular interest , and that people may well disagree as to the weight accorded to it in any particular instance .
21 One can not , in other words , argue from the premise that people may disagree as to whether a person was in fact placed in fear for their bodily safety , to the conclusion that a decision-maker can have untrammelled power to decide whether such an apprehension is indeed a constituent part of the offence at all .
22 Blanc admits this requires effort and that people may not be able to cook every day , but he says , ‘ Instead of buying ‘ orrible chocolate mousses full of preservatives , colouring and all sorts of stabilisers and sugar , make your own which takes no more than 10 minutes .
23 It gives a new and cruel twist to community care that people may have to be shipped perhaps as far as Birkenhead to find a community home .
24 I understand the concern that people may feel about the proposed change , but I am content that it should go thus .
25 Information and theory is needed so that people may continue to be motivated , and so that occupations can give the meaningful career development that for most persons is still essential to feelings of self-worth .
26 Previous work ( including a survey in the Medway towns in 1981 , also financed by ESRC ) suggests that people may support both sectors for different reasons .
27 These studies have indicated that people may have particularly vivid memories for personal events of particular emotional importance to them individually ( Christianson & E. F. Loftus , 1990 ; Conway & Bekerian , 1988 ; Pillemer , Goldsmith , Panter & White , 1988 ; Pillemer , Rhinehart & White , 1986 ; Rubin & Kozin , 1984 ; Strongman & Kemp , 1991 ; Wagenaar & Groeneweg , 1990 ) .
28 Yes , so would you accept that Mary-Jane , that , that people may consciously er think for example oh no we 're , we 're , we 're , we 're students we 're having a revolution and this is new but unconsciously they might be following some deep historical precedent ?
29 All exchanges ensure that the integrity of their clearing house is beyond question so that people may invest in their derivative products without fear of default risk .
30 to put up in your room , let alone , something that was reasonably enough , enough that people may wan na pay money for .
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