Example sentences of "that there [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Accordingly he submitted that there plainly had been no miscarriage of justice .
2 So , submits Mr. Browne , inviting analogy first between discovery in civil and in criminal proceedings , and then between the implied undertaking on the one hand and public interest immunity on the other , this court should now conclude that the immunity too has lapsed : in other words that there no longer remains any public interest in withholding these documents from further dissemination .
3 The 45 per cent quota imposed in October 1948 , in a futile attempt to support the films encouraged into production during the American boycott , had to be lowered to 40 per cent when 1,600 cinemas claimed exemption on the grounds that there simply were n't enough films to show , and it was reduced again to 30 per cent in 1950 ( the level at which it remained until its abolition 23 years later ) .
4 They usually say that there simply was n't the space to fit your work in .
5 To do that would be an achievement because at present the unchartable wilderness of trees seemed as unstable a nowhere as a cloudless sky or as fields under a carpet of snow , a world in which they might go round and round , and from which they might never emerge , a world in which there was no point in going anywhere for the reason that there simply was … nowhere .
6 Of course , ‘ Little Bangs ’ would necessarily be widely separated , so it is perfectly possible that there simply are n't any near enough to us to be detected : in an infinite Universe , our local patch — vast though that volume of space might seem to us to be — would be very small indeed .
7 I do n't remember waking up with the blinding realization that it was time to go : it was more like a very gradual awareness that there simply was n't an alternative .
8 Though the existence of a variety of competing perspectives in sociology can sometimes be confusing and a little frustrating to the new student , he or she must recognise that there simply is no nice , neat package of ‘ sociology ’ which is universally accepted and which provides all the answers .
9 Grunte asked his hostess whether there were any press present , and seemed relieved to hear that there most certainly were none .
10 But there is every reason to suppose that there already existed that division which makes the Church of the later Middle Ages so strangely resemble a military hierarchy , with the upper clergy as commissioned officers , the rural deans and archpriests as N.C.O.s , and the parish clergy as privates .
11 The Institute had argued that there already was a clear professional duty to report under the existing Auditing Guideline , Banks in the UK , and that a statutory duty would not add value .
12 At the time we took up the , the secretary took took up the matter and I got him to send us er a copy of the reply , and it , it appears that , as you know it 's all voluntary and , and it relies charity for individuals , but I noticed , I only got this from Ron yesterday , paragraph here says , where the community demonstrates it 's active support for such adventure , then there is an increase likelihood of the establish of a service , although it has to be said that there already exists a waiting list of communities eager to re receive P D S A support .
13 Personnel management could thus draw upon a wealth of experience , a skilled data processing staff and the fact that there already existed a library of programs although none of them were designed to access or process personnel records .
14 The use of level II regions for analysis of regional disparities was perfectly understandable in light of the fact that there already existed in many countries an administrative structure which was in a position to provide relevant statistical information .
15 You mean a bed to replace a bed that there already is ?
16 You mean a bed to replace a bed that there already is ?
17 Whatever the truth of the matter , however , it is enough for present purposes to note that the latest date given in any of the sources is 873/1468 and that there thus appears to be a gap of at least five years between the death of Fahreddin Acemi and the accession of Molla Husrev to the Muftilik .
18 He says that there soon wo n't be many businesses left !
19 Erm and I 'm I 'm happy to include the number that there theoretically are .
20 Apart from re-iterating his belief , which is gaining support , that there probably should be a completely new major circuit of not more than a dozen tournaments , based round the Grand Slams and culminating in one end-of-season event , Becker said ‘ We 're not machines .
21 This more eclectic group of economists accept that there probably does exist at any particular moment in time a single unemployment rate at which inflation neither accelerates nor decelerates : they describe this by the acronym NAIRU , the non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment .
22 These economists were ready to accept that there probably did exist a particular unemployment rate at which inflation was neither rising nor falling but they were unwilling to associate this rate with a state of overall full employment .
23 In terms of growth that we actually want erm unlike I think perhaps one of the we do n't want to put all our eggs into erm one one basket erm one million pounds in terms of er of course we want to do that the income of the budget which is actually feasible and practicable er in terms of of I take it that as where it says the Liberal Democrats are going from a growth of a hundred and fifty million erm on town centres that there probably was an error .
24 No , I should think so , I should think it 's just , that there probably sold those ones , they 've only had certain colours of the range in .
25 All I will permit myself to say is that there clearly exists a coherent body of thought within the present Conservative parliamentary Party ( supported , it would seem from the number of signatures added to the ‘ Fresh Start ’ petition circulated at the 1992 Conservative Party Conference , by a large number of members in the country ) , which is increasingly concerned by the direction of events in Europe and which makes the connection between this and Britain 's recent economic woes .
26 Furthermore , there is no relationship between the magnitude of the hypergastrinaemia and the density of argyrophilic cells in patients with the Zollinger-Ellison syndrome , which may indicate that there also in man exists a maximal gastrin concentration above which no further trophic effect on enterochromaffin like cells may be obtained .
27 The difficulty is , is that there also needs to be some work done to evaluate alternatives , because clearly there is widespread concern about outbreak of er , sheep scab , not only in this area but indeed across the country .
28 ‘ One problem with having two career paths happily bubbling along is that there just are n't enough hours in the day a lot of the time .
29 Why , so hasty had been their recruitment that there even were n't police uniforms ready for them when they were rushed over to Ireland and they had to make do with some rag-tag-and-bobtail hotch-potch of khaki tunic and dark green trousers , supplemented with the black leather belts of the RIC .
30 Both these examples raise issues other than the question of whether support is one-way , but they do indicate that there certainly have been historical circumstances in which people have felt that the requirement to provide financial support to parents , in circumstances where they were apparently unable to reciprocate , went well beyond their normal expectations of support between kin .
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