Example sentences of "that they [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 I think erm you 've got to say that it is not easy to find people to give the commitment to local government work these days and I think a partial remuneration of the expense that they incur is a very reasonable thing for the public to have to meet .
2 Their political involvement demanded that they forgo family and personal relations .
3 In 1985 , when Japanese chip makers last started slashing prices , America 's government insisted that they raise them in order to protect the ( virtually non-existent ) American DRAM industry .
4 If the mother objects to abortion on moral or religious grounds , the tests are virtually pointless , and certainly not worth the additional risks that they raise .
5 The trouble with all these concessions and compromises is that they raise as many problems as they solve .
6 Rather more reasonably , the Government also insisted that they raise the interest charge in hire purchase schemes to market rates ( rather than the privileged rates at which the Boards borrowed capital from the Treasury ) .
7 While Compacts can not dictate policy of this kind it is essential that they raise the issue of involving trade unionists with prospective employers .
8 To those workers who profess bewilderment as to how they might help , who feel their knowledge in sexual matters is insufficient or are doubtful of their capabilities for sexual counselling and aid , one would suggest that they raise the matter within their training departments .
9 Not only is having had some form of employment considered to increase a job seeker 's attractiveness to an employer and diminish the chances of a devaluation of his work skills , but temporary placings themselves can turn into permanent ones , either because the temporary position is made permanent or because the employer becomes acquainted with the capabilities of the temporary worker and recruits him into a vacant permanent position.1 Special temporary employment schemes such as the Community Programme are often justified in this manner , the suggestion being that they raise the chances of the long-term unemployed finding jobs some threefold ( Turner , 1985 ) .
10 The issues that they raise are complex , and procedurally they affect the responsibilities of a large number of bodies , both in Government and outside it .
11 I do not claim any more for these criteria than that they raise at least the possibility of a belief being affirmable .
12 These phenomena are so elusive , so debatable , so exploitable by the credulous and those who thrive on manipulating them that they drive more away from genuine religious experience than they attract to it .
13 It is further intended to change people 's attitudes so that they drive more smoothly and are aware of the kind of roads that they are using and drive at speeds tailored to fit the environment .
14 ‘ They want to show you that they trust you . ’
15 So what we have , if I can paint it like this , is a development programme which does n't just rely on Oxfordshire Social Services putting cash into it , because there are , if we manage this process properly , other people who we can encourage to bring money into Oxfordshire , but the key thing that 'll only do it is if they 're confident that they 're dealing with a competent organization and somebody that they trust and they have some form of credibility .
16 This does not mean that the person needs necessarily to go faster , but that they organize their time more effectively .
17 Now the audit industry was in favour of that at the time because it saw itself as able to get its fingers into local authority audit so they were prepared to accept that they could do it then , it 's only now er when it 's proposed on what 's been their traditional prerogatives , they er er they audit of banks and private sector er er companies that they balk at the proposition and say ooh it 's horrendous we ca n't do it .
18 Two modes of entry have been suggested , one that they pierce the muscular layer of the upper rectum and travel upwards in the wall of the colon , and the other that they follow the course of the inferior mesenteric artery and its branches .
19 there has to be space for these people though somehow I always feel that they cream it all the same .
20 One set of issues has to do with the way in which science and technology so drastically alter previous patterns of life that they erode and undermine the social , ethical and spiritual values which had been encapsulated and preserved in them .
21 What we want is something wherewith to prod the teachers so that they impart more facts more efficiently .
22 ( 1981 ) list 15 predictions that they derive from their conditioned attention theory and point out that many of these have received empirical confirmation .
23 Homology between DRP and dystrophin extends over their entire length , suggesting that they derive from a common ancestral gene .
24 One is led to ask whether it is the attention to and general nature of such claims that first needs explaining , especially when it appears that they derive from such a specific social group , namely those in a western academic sub-culture who could arguably be said to have their own interests at stake .
25 The answer to the question whether motivation arousal patterns derive from one 's past or from the situation in which one finds oneself is that they derive from both .
26 By this is meant that they derive an important part of their remuneration from singing , playing or directing in cathedrals and major parish churches .
27 These figures suggest that slightly fewer than a quarter of our most influential church musicians are professionals , in the sense that they derive the major part of their income from music .
28 It is equally undeniable that they derive great pleasure from physical confrontations with rival groups of supporters and go to great lengths to evade the authorities and make such confrontations possible .
29 The historic importance of these routeways owes much to the fact that they connect the contrasting environments of Alpine , Mediterranean and continental Europe .
30 NIGEL BURKE argues that they subvert our system of justice
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