Example sentences of "that was still " in BNC.

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1 Eventually I arrived down near Leicester Square , found a cafe that was still open and bought myself another cup of tea .
2 One peasant walked 15 versts to get Yakovlev to act on a building designated for a school that was still occupied by an influential peasant .
3 The overwhelming majority of peasant communications were oral in nature in a society that was still largely illiterate .
4 Allowing Britain to buy Polaris also ran counter to Eisenhower 's plan that was still being worked up in Washington for the creation of a mixed-manned European multilateral nuclear force .
5 Time to get out of there before she was roped in to help , she thought , and sneaked out of the main doors into the deluge that was still cascading down .
6 She ruffled his hair , pulling out a leaf that was still caught in his curls .
7 ‘ The worm ! ’ she shouted out in a hoarse voice that was still barely her own .
8 She scratched , the itch coming with the thought , and looked across at a brig that was still low on the incoming tide .
9 The sky was a clear , pale dome , covered in the east by a flock of tiny clouds that were already turned to pink by the sun that was still concealed , that had not yet risen .
10 As he took his handkerchief out and wiped away the water that was still dripping from the front of his hair , a voice said , ‘ I would n't drink that if I were you ; the cows wash in it just round the corner . ’
11 … she tried to open her eye — the right one , the one that was still there — and found it glued shut .
12 Desmond 's wife brought them tea and a sponge cake that was still warm .
13 Junk of aeons hung aimlessly nearby : strange knobbly skulls of some humanoids reminiscent of irregular , cratered moonlets , an antique plasma gun half melted into slag , broken crates , and a buckled cage that was still confining a corpse dressed in a spotted leotard .
14 In Vietnam , however , after the war had ended , half of the problem was how to regain half of the country that was still under Chinese occupation and here one might argue , cynically , that the French Union was indispensable .
15 She had a wound that was still uncomfortable and restricted some of her movements , but once the sutures were removed , the discomfort would gradually decrease .
16 Andy slammed the heel of his hand off the half of the storm door that was still closed , then fell out into the night .
17 She glanced from one end of the kitchen to the other , noting the sparkling sink without a cup or plate in sight , and the gleaming table top , then the freshly scrubbed floor that was still damp in the corners ; the coconut matting beneath her feet bristled from its merciless thrashing .
18 Consisting of off-the-shelf commercial equipment that anyone might buy , it included the Sony video camera that was still signed out to him at the time of his arrest by the FBI in 1990 on a trumped-up passport charge .
19 The Great River was the highway for many towns and villages ; the only highway that was still safe .
20 Alders and willows and rich grass and wild rose briars described a great , smooth horseshoe shape that was still hollowed gently into the green earth , with such authority that it had been acknowledged in perpetuity as a natural boundary , and a single large field hemmed within it .
21 This was a third-trimester bleed from the placenta that was still positioned dangerously low in the womb , partially blocking the cervix , and Belinda knew it was potentially serious .
22 She 'd always known she possessed a temper , of course ; but , after one horribly painful childhood incident that was still burned into her memory like a scar , she 'd fought hard to master it , refusing ever again to let anger get the better of her .
23 With a shrug that she hoped looked uncaring , she walked in , removed his jacket that was still round her shoulders , picked up the jeans and shirt she had left out to change into , and went into the bathroom .
24 ‘ Just bringing my psalter will do for now , ’ Isabel murmured when she could speak again , revelling in the teasing intimacy of lovers that was still so new to her .
25 The form used was complicated but could not compensate for the deficiencies of information about a population that was still highly mobile and still undergoing the stresses of war .
26 In a society that was still traditional and oral , personal promises counted for a lot .
27 De Gaulle opted for Pleven 's solution , on the grounds that the medicine that Mendès-France prescribed was too strong for a nation that was still recovering from its wounds .
28 To Ken that remark was like a public statement impugning behaviour on his part that was still completely illegal .
29 Unconsciously she reached out and laid her hand on his arm , wanting in some way to offer comfort for a pain that was still hurting despite the passage of time .
30 Rory flinched , the unexpected follow-up question hitting a nerve that was still raw even several years on .
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