Example sentences of "that people would " in BNC.

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1 But , particularly since Tiananmen , it has been echoing the argument that people would be less concerned to leave Hong Kong before 1997 if they could be absolutely confident that other countries would accept them after that date .
2 I suppose he had forgotten that when Bill Jordan , president of the engineering workers ' union , asked him during the 1987 election campaign to announce then that he would hold a referendum on unilateralism after the election , he declined and replied that people would come round to it once they understood .
3 We might have expected that people would give particularly low ratings to sources they described as biased but there was little evidence of any such reaction .
4 I never would have credited that people would talk about these illusions as if they 'd really taken place . ’
5 Then he realized that people would simply say , ‘ No wonder she went mad , living with that Nigel Hughes . ’
6 It seemed to Marie that people would only have to take one look at her to see that she did n't belong in these surroundings .
7 Arguments against allowing access included that people would not write frankly if they knew their comments would be seen , it could be important to record facts which could not be proved and suspicions or impressions , the child or parent might be made unhappy by a teacher 's judgement and it might impair the relationship or discourage the child , and access would lead to constant arguments about fairness or relevance of information .
8 Then Romano took me to one side — my father was sitting at his desk — and told me that I had a great future in front of me and that people would be prepared to sell property to the Damianis .
9 Well , we could grow fruit trees ; fruits that people would pay a lot for , not just maize and potatoes . ’
10 I was reassured that the nonsense would stop , and that people would use the bikes merely to get to the base of mountains , where the walk in was prohibitive of completing the hill in a day without some means of transport .
11 Despite the cold , he believed that people would be prepared to watch football at night .
12 Betsy Wilson asked if a breakdown of the figures could be given in community magazine so that people would know what was happening to their money .
13 Kit Widdows admitted to a little gentle crusading taking place here , being convinced that people would be more likely to be encouraged to come to church when they saw people enacting something that had a meaning for them and that they obviously enjoyed doing rather than being approached by someone knocking on their door .
14 He took it for granted that people would fall in love with Eva .
15 What I would find off-putting is the idea that people would see me as a divorced man 's bit of light relief .
16 When Tessas were first launched , an immediate objection raised was that people would simply shift money from one pocket to another .
17 Ceauşescu 's typical response was to improve the distribution of food to his son 's county so that people would see the benefits of Nicu 's administration and quieten down .
18 ‘ This is a place that people would come to die in . ’
19 I believe that a Christian 's position on this matter recognises the necessity for state action but goes on to argue that much of education , health and other welfare services could be quite adequately provided through the private sector , with the result that people would be free to exercise greater freedom of choice and also exercise greater responsibility over their lives .
20 It was hoped that people would not be made worse off by taking a job ( the unemployment trap ) , nor would they lose money when their gross pay rose ( the poverty trap ) , due to the loss of means-tested benefits in each case .
21 She could feel her heart thumping and was sure that people would see its movement beneath her dress .
22 Funny he did n't mention that people would be spending their 15 minutes of glory naked , sweaty and panting .
23 I think that people would be justified in rebuking me for deceiving them as to my whereabouts , but that I would no more have actually lied than if I had thrown my voice and said ‘ Cooee ‘ .
24 The reason why the Nazis persecuted the Jews was so that people would forget their own problems ; perhaps the reason you do this is so that you can blame someone else for your failings ?
25 Her natural vivacity , her particular charm , had led her too often into thinking that people would be drawn into seeing things her way , with disastrous results .
26 The Abbé 's morality may be more edifying , but Defoe 's book is the product of a society that saw colonies as attractive and profitable places that people would like to move to ( though , of course , pro-emigration literature had appeared ever since the Elizabethan plays Westward Ho and Eastward Ho ) .
27 ‘ He warned me that I 'd never get much credit — that people would be dismissive of my part in the great tradition , ’ said Carrick .
28 Mr Chairman could I ask a question because one of the things that I 've found missing this evening is specific things that people would like to see in this playhouse or perhaps specific things that we used to do and that find are missing and the last I have n't heard the word gallery mentioned from there much at all what do we think about the gallery ?
29 Freud thought that such a process was occurring and would continue , and that people would have to learn to live without sacred meaning and infantile religiosity .
30 Former Social Security Secretary Patrick Jenkin alluded to this when he cut the benefit to which homeless men were entitled on the grounds that people would be aggrieved by these itinerants getting " more actual cash in hand by being homeless ( sometimes by choice ) than by contributing toward the cost of a household and accepting the attendant responsibilities .
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