Example sentences of "that he can " in BNC.

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1 De Klerk dismissed suggestions that he ca n't control his security forces by pointing out that he appointed 10,000 police officers last year , and claims that the new influx will go a long way in helping subdue township unrest .
2 We think back to the antihero of Notes from Underground lamenting that he ca n't even call himself a lazy man , and we think sideways to Svidrigailov : ‘ Believe me , if only I were something ; a landowner , say , or a father , a cavalry officer , a photographer , a journalist say — but I 'm nothing , I 've no speciality . ’
3 The cap that happened to get overlooked returns the reader 's gaze blankly yet unavoidably , like the bill from a restaurant abroad which the conspirators find when they turn out the dead man 's pockets , and like the child 's clay whistle which one of them has provided himself with to give the agreed signal — for he has lost so many teeth that he ca n't trust himself to produce the sound naturally .
4 And these negotiations are mostly conducted in a tone of high comedy ; after 1930 Pound 's anger is virtually monopolized by Roosevelt 's USA , and English culture is for him just something that he ca n't take seriously .
5 There are , however , clear attempts to make us giggle , like when the Swamp Thing ( Dick Durock ) conceives a passion for Heather Locklear 's leading lady but tells her that he ca n't give her the love she wants because he 's a plant .
6 Stewpid is up on traction , which means his arm is up in the air , so that he ca n't lie down at all , even to sleep .
7 The fact that he ca n't remember the exact distance or his position is typical of the man , such things do n't matter to him .
8 He pins Andrew 's arms against the mattress while their lips twist together , Iain increasing the pressure on Andrew 's right leg so that he ca n't move .
9 Not that he ca n't afford it , but the shame riled un .
10 Because Neil plays very hard he produces a lot of power through the pickups , and he has recently realised that he ca n't just put any pickup with any EQ system , otherwise the signal from the bass simply overloads things …
11 I know somebody , male I might add , who 's so randy the whole time that he ca n't concentrate on anything .
12 ‘ Sources close to the ‘ artiste ’ suggest the decision to cancel the tour was not made for glamorous or news-worthy reasons , like police/local authority objections or fear on the streets of Britain … just that he ca n't be arsed . ’
13 The problem Steve seems to have is that he ca n't stop himself asking banal , pretentious , inconsequential questions which produce zero ( sic ) by way of an interesting response .
14 A recent suggestion that he ca n't DJ irks the most .
15 The trouble is that he ca n't recreate the formula , so he is pretty teed off by the time his fund manager Dr Crane ( Lorraine Bracco ) turns up to find out what 's going on .
16 True , he gets himself so wound up at times that he ca n't help himself .
17 MILLIONAIRE Chris Eubank has at last admitted to an opponent that he ca n't beat — the tax man .
18 When they do , he 's probably so busy making tea , answering their demands for more sugar , and looking for his favourite mug in the debris that he ca n't concentrate on his red boxes .
19 Without his band 's stealthy , elegantly precise backing and stuck in front of a tape recorder , he sits shyly , sucking ice cubes and claiming — wrongly , as it happens — that he ca n't express himself .
20 ‘ There is one Mr. Milne , officer at Oldcambus , a very old man quite worn out & unfitt for that station & is expected that he ca n't live much longer ’ , an eager applicant for a place advised Hugh Scott , the member of parliament of Berwickshire .
21 He told me in one of his more lucid states that he ca n't write because he 's got too much to say … ’
22 ‘ Duke Michael is very sorry that he ca n't welcome you himself , ’ explained Rupert of Hentzau .
23 ‘ Tomorrow , you make sure that he ca n't give details of the formula to anyone else — ever . ’
24 You feel guilty just buying a bar of chocolate , because as you go to pay you suddenly remember that he ca n't have one .
25 In some cases it may so horrify the husband that he ca n't cope and slopes off .
26 He goes away somewhere and when they find him , he says that he does n't know who he is , and that he ca n't remember anything . ’
27 I 'll tell him that he ca n't build shops here . ’
28 It 's a bit like the old paradox : Can God make a stone so heavy that he ca n't lift it ?
29 But if he has n't seen that he ca n't go round preaching to other people about their morals .
30 He says he ca n't help it , that he ca n't control himself if he 's asleep .
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