Example sentences of "that they in " in BNC.

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1 Finally , the exigencies of the struggle forced the conservative burghers of the Netherland cities to involve an increasing number of people in the provision of manpower and funds , so that they in turn claimed the right to participate in political life .
2 Enlightened self-interest suggests that schools should press their LEA to fund special needs as generously as possible , so that they in turn can advertise their ability to provide appropriately for every pupil .
3 I always do my best , run my heart out , give one hundred per cent for the athletics fans , and I like to believe that they in turn appreciate that , as well as the fact that I do run a lot in Britain .
4 Richard Anthony Ainscough FCA , Michael George Battersby FCA , David Peter Bradley ACA , Ralph Burton Holden FCA , Donald Malcolm Lyon ACA , Brian Christopher Marsden FCA , Michael Harvey Townend FCA and Jeremy Newsom Stirrup FCA , all of Oakmount , 6 East Park Road , Blackburn who were found guilty of misconduct within the meaning of Bye-law 76(a) in force at the material time and liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( i ) in that they in Blackburn between 20 April 1991 and 7 September 1991 passed clients ' monies through the firm 's office account were each reprimanded and jointly and severally fined £750 and ordered to pay £250 by way of costs .
5 The NZRFU rather prides itself on its official-player liaison , of treating its players handsomely , and it rather hopes that they in turn would treat the NZRFU with courtesy , if not affection .
6 Some stand quite close to him but are unhappy about this or that emphasis or point of detail , or about tendencies which they see running through his work ; others differ from him so radically on the nature and basis of theology itself that they in effect reject his approach wholesale .
7 They are a façade : they are confined to the most superficial aspects , and scope for real variety is so limited that they in fact quickly become clichéd , standardized , themselves .
8 But as the movement became more fiercely nationalistic , the Futurists began to complain that they in turn were being plagiarized in France .
9 Do you have any recollections of any particular disputes and maybe an answer that you could possibly sort of , make a few comments on whether you felt the the procedures were worked out so finely that they in fact prevented disputes because they were so long and drawn out perhaps or er it took the fire out of disputes if you like ?
10 The experience of working with gifted teachers and heads in their early career , the sense that they have in some cases been given the benefit of working closely with other wise and successful teachers — particularly inside a religious order — the fact that they in some cases went away from teaching and , having had time to reflect in quite unrelated work , then saw that teaching was an obligation which they should meet — these are among the backgrounds which heads are prepared to reveal .
11 what 's changed is that they in in the early days we used to get the offcuts and they they were ideally they used to put those through a hogger which is a thing that breaks it down and it 's these it 's worktops
12 In harsh numerical terms we did n't accept the Policy Committee guidelines , we felt that they in some ways were over generous and we aimed for , we purposely , deliberately set ourselves lower targets with point we 're two point six million below the Liberal Democrats for nineteen ninety four ninety five .
13 He said : ‘ He was completely out of his depth in this matter and never dreamed there would be anything like the £30,000 that they in fact took . ’
14 Did they ever mention to you or your father that they in fact got caught out by the weather ?
15 I , I know Carolyn said that they in the end
16 They 're not exactly specialist agencies but they have a great deal of experience and they have a commitment to a certain kind of research , and they have , I mean we 've had our run-ins with them as it were , but they have listened , and they 've supported some of our work as well , and I think that they in time will provide a kind of model as it were for a number of erm perhaps less experienced agencies throughout the world , newly set-up ones , as to how it is possible to do consistently good logical rational work in the face of the chaos that a disaster produces .
17 And if your child is dyslexic , reassure them that they are not the only child , there are other children who share this problem , that they in fact are not stupid , or mad — and quite often they think they are mad , they can understand what is wrong with them because they do n't really understand what they 're supposed to be doing .
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