Example sentences of "i [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I them place gummed strips onto each side with an overlap of about half an inch , which I press firmly until almost dry .
2 With this barmy bungee dive , I thee wed
3 WILLIAMS : [ to BELVILLE ] With this ring I thee wed .
4 BELVILLE : [ repeating ] With this ring I thee wed .
5 Until the passing of the Married Women 's Property Act the husband 's marriage vow , ‘ with all my worldly goods I thee endow ’ , was ironic .
6 With all my worldly debts I thee endow
8 well I I spells how I say it .
9 Well I tho though I I take what Don 's saying in a general .
10 I took it off Doctor , and I I take
11 I I take your point that yes you have submitted er a a proposal as have other parties er to the discussion .
12 But I I take the sentiment of Mr 's comment .
13 we 'll talk to Sue Dave that needs to be , to find out if we can , what 's happening elsewhere cos she can through her colleagues and I will also I I do n't think I 'll ring Margaret but I 'll give Terry a ring Morden who 's the record of achievement guy there and get on quite well with him just to find out what sort of tap they 're taking on it cos er yeah , I I take very much what Sandra 's saying as do n't want our youngsters to be disadvantaged in anyway if others are lies , damn lies and
14 I I I take , I I take that equal opportunities does raise peoples erm , blood pressure to say the least .
15 I I I take , I I take that equal opportunities does raise peoples erm , blood pressure to say the least .
16 I I I take it a great er , challenge now , I 've only ever lost three delegates , only three delegates ever walked out on course on me , so , do n't , you know , do n't ruin my
17 I I take it that honourable gentle right honourable gentleman is making an implicit criticism of his colleague the Secretary of State of the environment er , er and the Home Secretary who has responsibility can produce figures for England .
18 I mean I I take this more more seriously my on Wednesdays and Thursdays have to be cancelled now because they will be .
19 There is a oh I I take it he 's got ta go for another assessment then has he for
20 Well I mean , I I take the Express
21 I 'm only saying that but yes , I I I take your point , er , as I say , I 'm currently er a neighbourhood beat officer , I 'm gon na become the crime prevention officer very shortly but I can go on estates like and they say , I have n't seen you for ages !
22 Now the reason I I make that suggestion is that erm Policy A two for example looks at not only the erm quality of the agricultural land but also the effect of development proposals on erm the maintenance and economically viable erm farm units and so forth .
23 I I I visit approximately about thirty golf clubs on a weekly basis
24 But his son I I kept in touch with his son for years , he was an architect .
25 See the weather you see was bad if you had it bad but I I kept well in health considering you know .
26 As a as a churchgoer and a committed christian I mean I I quoted earlier on this morning from the Sun newspaper this morning which is ranting and raving this morning on the subject of erm well it claims that the the Archbishop of Canterbury er Dr Carey is saying that erm Charles could never be king of this country erm because erm he had an affair with Camilla Parker Bowles
27 I I quoted for a rolled screw once , yeah and my buying price from I 'm talking about a year and half ago , was higher than 's quoted price for a ground bore screw .
28 But erm I I imagine their rate of interest would be kept fairly low .
29 I said er I I imagine cos I 've been visiting his wife you see .
30 I I observe that the Liberal Democrats have made a complete U turn in their previous adherence to providing a steady stream of services to the people of Oxford , and by setting for a budget below the capping level you are taking out of funds available to people things that do n't necessarily have to be taken out .
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