Example sentences of "i [verb] also " in BNC.

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1 There was an eloquence about his hand movements and I realized also that he could be a dancer if he wanted to be .
2 I realized also with a jolt that the dancers were wearing a motley of costumes representing centuries of brief encounters with the West — from seventeenth-century Portuguese ruffles round their throats , down to modern trainers on their feet .
3 I intend also to drop a line to Norman too .
4 Many of the people I met also rely on loan companies and clubs who scour the poorest housing estates to find their neediest clients .
5 ‘ So I say also .
6 And I suggest also that it is a very valuable discipline for the police to have to say to themselves when deciding policy matters , I wonder what they will think about this at the Council House .
7 I want also and in particular to draw attention to the grave concern that I and others feel about the number of young people being held in prisons .
8 I welcome also the introduction of annual written reports , which I hope will contain grading for each child .
9 I 'd also taken stock of just how deep the ravine was a yard or so to my right — on a previous visit to this rocky Brecon summit I 'd looked down on a pair of RAF Tornadoes streaking through on a high-adrenalin exercise .
10 However , I knew at least a couple of players because I 'd caddied for Roger Fidler in the 1977 British Open while I was still an assistant , and I 'd also carried Florentina Melina 's bag .
11 I 'd also recorded Neil Kinnock 's speech after his count and I managed to freeze the frame on the exact moment when she almost cried as he paid tribute to his wife for her dignity under the onslaught of the tabloid press .
12 I 'd sent tapes to Radio One and I 'd also spent time devising quizzes that I thought would be better than the ones they were doing .
13 I 'd also got an injunction against him because he became violent , and that was all right for a bit .
14 I think the fact that I was abroad at the time may have had something to do with it — having left the country I 'd also left my conscience behind .
15 After I 'd kissed her goodbye I felt pretty happy because not only had I at last had an extremely enjoyable sexual experience , but I 'd also been able to give enjoyment .
16 I 'd also seen a probation person .
17 And I 'd also had some suspicions . ’
18 I 'd also stopped looking at the sculpture .
19 ‘ On its own , perhaps not , but I 'd also been told that day that people believed you and an English journalist who lives here , James Cobalt , were making enquiries about drug trafficking .
20 I 'd also seen you !
21 I 'd also forgotten how many nasty stinging things there were in the country .
22 Er , I 'd been told er that he 'd been in prison with Mr er I believe it was in nineteen eighty six and I 'd also been told that in the past er and er had planned armed robberies together .
23 I noticed also that the chief executive of Courtauld 's said that the Labour party 's proposals for a statutory minimum wage would lead to big job losses .
24 I hope also to say something useful about the structure of primate brains as well as the mechanisms of linguistic evolution , both issues that Searle sets to one side as irrelevant to the conceptual question he is pressing .
25 I hope also that British Coal has not helped to produce some of the briefs that we have heard in previous coal debates .
26 But if , as well as believing 1 and 2 , I happen also to believe
27 And I suspect also that from time to time the director feels that he has to placate the more hard-nosed and less imaginative of his many paymasters by producing something that could be regarded as promoting trade .
28 And I suspect also she did not want to be reminded of my father .
29 I suspect also that it influences your attitude towards that person .
30 When I read , later , Edwin Muir 's description in his Autobiography of his transition from Orkney to a Glasgow glue-factory , I read also a description of my own ( less conscious , more childish ) emotional state at the age of seven .
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