Example sentences of "i [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I only discovered that late as well when I became friends with John at college .
2 ‘ I fail to see the relevance of this , but yes , I should say that Glastonbury and I became friends .
3 I became friends with Juliet , , because she understood me , + I could talk to her about my opinions quite openly : she is very understanding in that way .
4 I 'm not really sure how I became friends with the boy , but he also has quite a good personality , + I can have a good laugh with him .
5 I find it odd that the position has so changed compared with 15 months ago when I became Secretary of State , when some Conservative Members were alleging that standards had declined and Opposition Members were denying those allegations .
6 … my wife and I became Life Governors because the payment was £200 , and by each signing deposited covenants the Institution received rather more .
7 If I became part of his fantasy landscape a certain amount of security , great pleasure even , was possible , at the cost of feeling split and unknowable afterwards and unsure whether I as I felt I really was had experienced anything .
8 Not that the state of my underwear was of crucial importance the day I became part of Britain 's road accident statistics .
9 I worked as a researcher for him for so long I became part of the furniture , I really did .
10 Having got across the footlights I became part of the O. U. D. S. , and was invited to their club in George Street just opposite the theatre — the New Theatre as it then was — now the Apollo .
11 But when I became spokesman in opposition myself and he was the Foreign Secretary and we were sparring partners again , I made a nice remark about him and he said it was like being nuzzled by an old ram .
12 I became expert at daytime TV quiz shows — there was not much else to do .
13 I first met him during the early 1950s and I became editor of what I believe was the second journal in the now enormous Pergamon Press stable .
14 When I became chairman of Hepworths , it had its own clothing plant and it either produced too much or not enough of the right quality at the right price at the right time .
15 Every year after I became chairman of British Steel we set aside one board meeting at which the objectives of the organisation were raised .
16 Years later when I became chairman of the medical missions of SPG , I realised how in mission hospitals all over the world , the same devoted healing mission was being carried on , which spoke much more eloquently of divine and human love than the preaching of less qualified friends like myself .
17 In my own case by the time I became chairman of ICI , I had not actively sold in the marketplace for nine years , although , of course , as a director of a large international company I was involved from time to time in negotiations of one sort or another .
18 Before we delivered our report , however , I had joined the Arts Council , of which I became chairman in May 1965 .
19 When I became Chairman on the retiral of Lord Macfarlane in June 1992 , I welcomed the prospect of such a challenging and rewarding task .
20 ‘ I joined 25 years ago and I became chairman in 1981 for five years , ’ he says .
21 But , you see , with all this , and , indeed , before all this , the two happiest relationships of my life were with a schoolfriend called Melanie Smith with whom I used to listen to records of Carousel and Oklahoma ! on an old , wind-up gramophone , and with the hockey-ball when I became goalie of the first eleven .
22 We doubled resources in 1989 , and as soon as I became Home Secretary , I realised that that was one of the most important issues that I would have to deal with .
23 Also the other men and women I represented when I became convenor they made me what I am and I thank them .
24 Sergeant was made Inspector , was made Detective Sergeant and of course I became Detective Constable .
25 They thought if I became England manager I would take over the FA — and I would have done ! ’
26 In time I became Wolsey 's friend , the only man to stand by him when he fell from power and lay in bed gasping out his life and cursing the king who had turned against him .
27 You see , when I became yard inspector , the staff soon got to know that they could n't kid me , they could n't kid me you see .
28 ‘ I fulfilled a childhood dream when I became champion in June , but Tyson is the ultimate dream . ’
29 When I became rookie of the year in 1992 they got their money back and a bit extra , and it will be the same this season . ’
30 ‘ I 'm still an amateur , of course , but I became rugby 's first millionaire five years ago ! ’ — DAVID CAMPESE ( Australian wing ) .
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