Example sentences of "was about to do " in BNC.

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1 There had been considerable speculation and concern that it was about to do so .
2 He may not have meant it , but that was precisely what he was about to do .
3 She was about to do the same with the contents of another file when something made her pause , hair prickling at the back of her head .
4 I handed it to him at arm 's length , not knowing what he was about to do .
5 Donna was far too tough to cry , he reckoned , and yet it looked suspiciously as if that was what she was about to do .
6 And it was for my benefit — to show what he was about to do to me .
7 My last meeting with Ashe before he went public on the news , knowing that an American newspaper was about to do so anyway , was during the Lipton tournament in Key Biscayne a couple of weeks earlier .
8 His prime minister , Mr Mitsotakis , did not stop him , either because he did not know what Mr Samaras was about to do or because he thought he could fudge the issue .
9 I was convinced he was about to do the same to me , when he suddenly appeared to notice the tent for the first time , shied away and crashed off into the trees .
10 Francis realized that the Doctor was about to do something wrong .
11 But what she was about to do , that was a real , honest-to-goodness gold-wired sin she might not live long enough to regret .
12 But it was only when he laughed that Boldwood recognized the man who had destroyed his hope and happiness once and was about to do it again .
13 After a couple of sentences he went into the present tense , which was a habit he had in speaking of the past , as if it were the plot of some play he was about to do .
14 Sandy tried to think of something to say , something that would explain how she felt ; but the image that formed in her mind was of a punchbowl brimming with vomit , and she knew instantly that she was about to do likewise .
15 Having explained carefully to Willis what he was about to do , Richard invited Pinkie out to lunch .
16 Claudia raised her eyes to the man whose own eyes were fixed with deadly intent on her , and silently asked Dana 's forgiveness for what she was about to do .
17 She had known their affair had to end or it would destroy them both , but now that it was about to do so , she was terrified of a future in which there would be no Luke , not even Luke causing her unhappiness .
18 Too tired and cold to think any more , she put her head down on her arms on the table and , without any idea that she was about to do so , she burst into tears .
19 ‘ Then you can lay a fire , which is what I was about to do , ’ he said with a flash of annoyance .
20 Part of her could barely believe what she was about to do ; but the stronger part remained adamant .
21 ‘ Matey will think that we are doing what I was about to do . ’
22 With a faint smile , he was about to do so , when his mother grabbed too soon , and the pile of letters slipped to the floor .
23 Turnour has changed from being relaxed and comfortable with what he was about to do to feeling uneasy in a strange environment which has now put him in a bad mood .
24 He had a strong urge to put his arms round the man , and indeed was about to do so , when Malik thrust him away , sobbing .
25 Indeed , Mafouz looked as if he was about to do something far more dramatic than simply catch the thing .
26 Christ , I was about to do the Technicolor Yawn all over this girl 's jacket , through the tears and rusting her zips and filling her pockets , and probably send Jamie flying across the room into the beer-crates under the speaker stacks with the first awful heave , and here were these two trading absurd biker fantasies .
27 I wondered whether I should put the phone down , and was about to do so when Eric 's voice came again , muttering something I could n't make out .
28 The Communists were busily isolating themselves from the labour movement ; the Independent Labour Party was about to do the same .
29 He paused just long enough for her to wonder if he was about to do the decent thing and invite her to join him .
30 For suddenly she knew he was about to do something .
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