Example sentences of "was [adv prt] for " in BNC.

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1 It was thanks to them that he learned that the hunt was on for a leak on the Washington embassy wartime staff which could only have been Maclean .
2 McNamara already had the first spot in the bag and Moniz was out , so the battle was on for second place .
3 Everything he did smelt quality , even though he was on for such a short time . ’
4 Thus the hunt was on for heads of functions who could deliver results , and executive search was seen to be the only truly effective way to actually define and attract this key talent .
5 With construction costs for purpose-built vessels so high , the hunt was on for production-type boats that would keep within reasonable limits of the budget .
6 Matthew Evans was to split his role and that the hunt was on for a new m.d. , rumours that Mr Evans was ‘ bailing out ’ and the company was on the block were fanned by the trade 's more supportive friends at Private Eye and pounced on by publishers overexcited at the prospect of getting their hands on , if not the company , then at least some of its authors .
7 The father was on for the whole of the second act of The Hooded Owl , and never had that part of the play passed as slowly as it did that evening .
8 The following Tuesday he was contacted at work to say that the jump was on for that afternoon .
9 The court had heard that Rhys had now been accepted for a transplant operation at a Bristol hospital and the search was on for a suitable bone marrow donor .
10 Leek out , had this heart trouble , and he 'd been in the Signals about oh ten year , he , he was on for twelve engagement and he nearly completed it when he had this heart trouble .
11 Quite honestly oh it was eight till ten that show was on for basically
12 He was in for a surprise .
13 Most of the Labour front bench , including Neil Kinnock , were in their places and the predictions were that I was in for a stormy time .
14 He was tired already yet he knew he was in for an even longer night once he was home .
15 Some Orcadian cat was in for a good supper .
16 He was in for three hours 40 minutes all told , an hour longer than any other West Indian managed , and gave only one chance , a difficult caught and bowled to Meyrick Pringle when 59 .
17 Now she knew she was in for an unpleasant surprise .
18 His mother , he knew , was in for another of her bouts , and he would have to bear the brunt of it .
19 Clare was told she was in for a long stay in bed , and Mother moved in a divan to sleep next to her .
20 Aggie , of course , knew she was in for , what was termed , a bit of confidential chat ; and she was n't mistaken , because Mrs Kirkley , without any preamble , began by saying , ‘ There is more than one reason why I have suggested this position for Millie .
21 ‘ What 's more , Joe Wallace was so pissed that night 'e did n't 'ave an inklin' who 'e was talkin' to or what pub 'e was in for that matter , so there 's no come-back from 'im at least .
22 But Mosley campaigned in Tuscany by phone and by the time he returned to London for the autumn , the plan was set , letters were going out and Balestre was in for a surprise .
23 Mrs Stubbins ' manner suggested that I was in for trouble .
24 From what she had read in the diary , it seemed any boy with a pleasing face and the latest clothes was in for a good time .
25 Woke up one morning and I was in for twenty thousand .
26 Did he have any idea what he was in for ?
27 We just had to sit there all day on our own , and I was in for a couple of weeks .
28 Bobo was in for a shock , however , for when he kicked open the door to Sam 's office , he discovered that the President had already taken the matter out of his hands , having blown his own brains out .
29 Very very er able , capable man , but anyway , and he was in for years , but er beat him .
30 I was in for two weeks , during which I had a wide variety of tests .
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