Example sentences of "was [v-ing] they " in BNC.

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1 Since then , I had managed to film them on their wintering grounds in India , but now I was seeing them for the first time at the other end of the journey .
2 Yeah you see but when I was seeing them one after the other tens and twenties you do n't see the dross you see
3 She felt as though she was seeing them from under a great weight .
4 A little crowd was encouraging them while they performed what somebody told me was a tango .
5 Muddy Waters was using them when I started working with him .
6 ‘ Never once , during our association , did they guess that I was using them to further my revenge against the Wolfkings .
7 Section 5 prevents this practice completely , by providing that avoidance of liability for defective goods caused by negligence of the person involved in their manufacture or distribution can not be excluded by a term or notice in a " guarantee " of goods ordinarily supplied for private use or consumption as against a person who has found the goods to be defective while he was using them , or while they were in his possession , otherwise than exclusively for the purposes of a business .
8 The idea was I was using them as sub-headings originally but then people were kept y'know slowing d it 's erm very hard to work out whether what you actually want is a good detailed set of notes .
9 I was using them .
10 And she knew she was annoying them whenever she questioned their assumptions .
11 So , she starts quizzing me and I start nattering on about the bloody Brontes — I think Mrs Fleming must 've been really intelligent when she was young , honest-to-god she was firing them at me faster than Bamber Gascoigne , she says to me : ‘ And tell me , Karen , how are you going to deal with the themes of Repressed Sexuality in the Brontes ' work ? ’
12 They were losing and she knew they were going to lose and their last bloke was coming in and she was cheering them on .
13 She was cheering them on .
14 Japanese records suggest that Kim was opposing them in May 1929 .
15 Ever since I produced my proposals about three months ago , I have thought that he was opposing them .
16 Luke was drawing them all in , drawing them back , drawing her …
17 Whilst she was unfolding them , he said , ‘ I should explain .
18 I was work la last week and I erm I got ta scrub my nails after done everything anyway like every , like after I made the sandwiches , I scrub my nails after I 've been washing up , scrub my nails so I was scrubbing them all day Saturday , last week and it still did n't come out .
19 In the 1960 's local people claimed it was poisoning them .
20 As long as they was eating they were alright you see .
21 Syl was eating them all up without requiring any encouragement .
22 and Geoff was eating them .
23 Once the British soldiers came on Mary Duignan when she was bringing them tea and sandwiches .
24 The swing of the hurricane was bringing them back into the eye of the storm .
25 She told Cathy she would pass on the eggs but would like croissants and coffee , and presently I was bringing them to her as she sat with eyes demurely downwards , studiously ignoring my existence .
26 It was decided that he was bringing them into disrepute and should be dismissed summarily .
27 I do n't know what it is , but it 's different , bringing her up to what it was bringing them up .
28 Also , this nomadic existence was bringing them into potential conflict with several different tax jurisdictions .
29 She was bringing them some papers and some photographs in a big brown envelope .
30 Eventually she noticed the changing note of the engine as they began to descend , and soon Marc was bringing them to a more sedate pace as he nursed the car over the drawbridge .
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