Example sentences of "was [prep] all " in BNC.

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1 If the switch was off all the time , the output would be zero .
2 In fact , whereas the parallel protestant movement of evangelical revival was for all people , and the issue tended to be decisive , catholic spirituality diverged on both points .
3 The event , as ever , was for all shapes and sizes , ages and abilities .
4 They shared with Foxton the misfortune of coming into existence at the beginning of the motor car era , and whatever miscalculations may have been made in the construction , there was for all of them no way of gaining the large amounts of traffic that alone would have made them profitable .
5 It was not confined to Methodists , but was for all children who wished to attend .
6 Robert 's birthday is in June , and for a number of years , his birthday treat was for all the family to go to Cambridge on the bus , to go punting on the Cam , and then to have a strawberry and cream tea .
7 What should have happened , perhaps , was for all the actors in this particular drama to have realised the rival groups ' strengths and weaknesses and for senior management to have developed control procedures that divided up responsibilities for the production process in an equitable way .
8 Farr-Jones said the whole notion of a players ' company was for all the players to be involved , not to feather the nests of a select upper echelon .
9 Although the auditors ' report was addressed to ‘ the members ’ of Berg , it was for all practical purposes addressed to G alone .
10 Comdex/Spring in Chicago last week was for all intents and purposes a Microsoft Corp event , all the energy and sparkle belonging to the Windows World side of the house , OS/2 being a footsore also-ran and Unix not even showing up for the race .
11 However , teaching was for all levels of junior doctors together .
12 Basil was a true advocate of the view that Art was for all people .
13 The usual pattern was for all to congregate in Minton 's studio where he might cook a large risotto after which they went to a film .
14 This is interesting , because we know that even in the post-exilic period a considerable proportion of the Jews was for all practical purposes polytheistic .
15 It was , or it has been , a believe that the N H S was for all of us from the cradle to the grave .
16 It was , or it has been , a belief that the N H S was for all of us from the cradle to the grave .
17 No , all went in together we , ten past five our appointment was for all of us
18 ‘ The success of the operation was worth all the suffering ’
19 As £100 means a lot to our funds I am sure it was worth all our efforts !
20 It was worth all the effort just to see the bird do its stuff , and enjoy the indescribable thrill of so many chases .
21 Anything , however bad , was worth all this .
22 Despite , and maybe because of , the trickier moments , it was worth all the sacrifices and hardships .
23 It was worth all the hard work that we had put into it because it got that we used to use the town park towards the latter part of Barnardos day and all the men that we had gathered together used to have to erect every piece of fence to enclose like it is now , the park , is enclosed now with with fencing the men that were helping us did that all voluntarily !
24 But it was worth all the hard work .
25 Despite , and maybe because of , the trickier moments , it was worth all the sacrifices and hardships .
26 Dressing for the afternoon , she wondered what Mrs Darrell was like , and whether she was worth all the tohu-bohu of preparing a slap-up tea , and being formally ‘ At Home ’ , which had resulted in even more work for McAllister , as Sally-Anne was increasingly beginning to think herself when she was being a maid of all work .
27 She was through all the ordeals now , and had only the journey to accomplish .
28 A couple of stiff drinks and a bowl of soup afterwards was about all I could cope with .
29 He had a blank sort of face , and that was about all there was to him .
30 On this day , early in 1940 , the hut was still there and a few deckchairs , but that was about all .
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