Example sentences of "was [conj] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 And this causes me difficulties in that I have to either imagine what it was or come back again to see whatever the er item in question is .
2 The simplest case was that put forward by Murray Copland in the 1960s , suggesting , simply , that in modern editorial terms inverted commas should be put around these lines so that we see that in these lines the Shipman is imitating ( a ) woman .
3 What 's that word , who was that put that word up that was it you Phillip ?
4 was that keep
5 ‘ First of all why do n't you start by telling me just exactly what it was that upset you today ? ’
6 Another reason was that Stop The Clause was a single-issue campaign , while Thatcherite policy pushed through a series of oppressive laws on a number of fronts , attacking homosexual women and men , but also black people , the unemployed , working women , disabled people and so on .
7 It was that smell that on summer mornings most clearly brought back to her the lanes of her Shropshire childhood .
8 It was that dream again — the one which had haunted her sleep almost every night for the past three weeks .
9 With the breeze as strong as it was that lead never looked enough .
10 Yeah that kind of thing I mean how was that wen you first
11 That had been old Ian Paisley last time he was in the old country , but he had popped his clogs of apoplexy while explaining the Fall of Port Stanley to Robin Day on Nationwide and it was that upstart Jeffrey Archer now .
12 And nowhere was that place just out of reach
13 I 'm sure it was that give him trouble .
14 One of the accusations used and levelled against er against Christianity against the , the evangelical message , against things like the , the mission of Graham and , and others is that it , it does n't meet the needs the , the material needs of people but if you deal with the persons spiritual needs , if their sins are forgiven , those problems that are causing the material problem , it 's amazing how there are dealt with as well , the best way to sober up a person , the best way to deal with a person who 's an alcoholic , the best way to deal with a person who is a drug addict , the best way to deal with a person who , who commits adultery is not by telling them the wrongs of those things , it 's not by trying to , to , to do , to , to , you know , to , to counsel them it 's presenting the gospel allowing Jesus Christ to come into their lives and to forgive them , that will make the person sober quicker than all the counselling in the world and Paul says I brought you the most important the fundamental thing , that Christ died for our sins Paul again when he 's writing to the Romans in chapter five and verse eight he says but God demonstrates his own love towards us , in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us so God did in Jesus Christ what we could n't do for ourselves , so all of you have sin , so all of my sin , and he came and he died on the cross and as he was dying there was that transmit there , for he was n't dying for his own sin buy he was dying for your sin and for mine , it was all piled on him and so when we except what Christ has done , when we come to that place and yes I believe that you died for me ,
15 What the hell was that kiss about in the middle of all this ?
16 I just wanted to s erm congratulate er whoever it was and put together the curriculum er programme which secured the three quarters of a million pound for all those which will I , I think I can understand extremely competitive and I would like to erm give credit to there because that will be enormously for the business which will give proper jobs er which is er very useful to the environment and , and , and really just to record erm that , that particular er success .
17 Sometimes it 's so they can moon around and say how beautiful it all was and pretend they 're still lifers there .
18 I could have my own contributions returned or I could leave my pension where it was and draw it at the age of sixty-five .
19 Anne wept for him and for Kathleen , who must be told the news , and decided that she must definitely find out where Kathleen was and visit her .
20 I was and remain a supporter of Chaplin 's view .
21 The house and land could just sit there and Monsieur Lemarchand 's mother could sit wherever she was and wait .
22 She could n't swim , so that left her with only two options : she could stay where she was and wait for whoever was lurking there to reach out of the darkness — but with her nature that was unthinkable — or she could run the gauntlet .
23 He went back down the embankment with him , telling Catherine to stay where she was and help with photographing the track .
24 Oh it was lovely that was and remember that programme that used to be on , erm Within These Walls about the prison , the women in prison ?
25 Blagg 's touching faith that Maxim would save him from murder charges in two countries might at least mean that he would stay where he was and do nothing — for once .
26 ‘ I was and have always been his dog .
27 Make her presence known , or stay where she was and run the risk of being thought an eavesdropper ?
28 From the outset the wide impact of the ban was and anticipate , the experiment has given me opportunity for it to be tested on the ground so that future decision can be taken objectively .
29 They had not , they said , but they had a lot of reliable relatives and could easily find out where he was and deliver any message I wanted to send him , if he was there .
30 Perhaps she should put her money where her mouth was and forget all about him : if she concentrated hard enough , she could work herself up to not caring about him — perhaps .
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