Example sentences of "was [verb] this " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , I know , I did n't think she se , she did n't realise that you know that she was seeing this
2 All that was in my mind was to abort this mission .
3 ‘ I was struggling this morning because there is a frightfully long speech it becomes a feat of memory and if memory was the only element involved in acting then Leslie Welch the memory man would have been the greatest actor in the world .
4 Hodge contended that if the Interim Committee failed to reach a satisfactory conclusion that it would be preferable to terminate UNTCOK , withdraw American troops ( even though the Soviet Union was demanding this ) , and press ahead with the establishment of a government in south Korea .
5 HERCULES ' second task was to kill this monster .
6 What was encouraging this year was that the overall calibre of entries far-outstripped last year 's submissions .
7 An international committee of experts was formed this group was later reduced to three specialists to supervise the Brussels-based Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage , which conducted the actual work .
8 New journal : The Institute of Management , which was formed this week by the merger of two previous management bodies , has launched Professional Manager , a bi-monthly journal for its 75,000 members .
9 That was before he came to recognize that Karnstein was using this by-the-book method of criticism to show displeasure at the nature of their business .
10 Johnny was using this room , that much was obvious .
11 Someone was masterminding this whole operation . ’
12 ‘ Of course the poetry 's no good , ’ grumbled a friend to whom I was praising this volume .
13 John Eliis was prescribed this new drug , Lamisil after suffering from athletes foot for many years .
14 He was cooking this food , not bringing it in pre-frozen packs .
15 The severity of the depression was highlighted this week by the decision of the Automobile Association to pull out of the retail package holiday market , creating 400 redundancies .
16 Our international standing as managing agents and consultants in energy efficiency and renewable energy was highlighted this year when the International Energy Agency appointed ETSU as its overall manager for the analysis and dissemination of renewable energy technologies .
17 AEA 's ability to tackle unique nuclear recovery tasks was highlighted this year when we designed , built and operated a special plant to recover the nuclear material from unused fuel made for the German THTR reactor .
18 The need for low cost housing in East Cleveland generally was highlighted this week with the publication of the results of a housing needs survey .
19 Over the next two decades it was rebuilt to include many fine Georgian houses and in 1725 the then humble parsonage was given this handsome new front by an unknown architect .
20 It was given this time under the English title of the music , Children 's Corner , and de Valois insisted on the ballet 's being redesigned .
21 The indicated remedy appeared to be spigelia , but when she was given this she developed palpitations and became quite anxious .
22 The Emperor Sigismund was given this huge enchanted horn by the Dwarfs after the battle of Grimgrill Dale .
23 erm the minor awards or discretionary awards as they became and that 's erm , I was given this job and er that 's how it 's built up really over the years .
24 If I 'm not teaching I 'm marking in th to actually get a lecture through cos I was given this with about a weeks ' notice you see , so I did n't have a chance to prepare the stuff for this course other than as we go along Right ?
25 She bought a secondhand car and was given this warranty with it .
26 Later I was to see this body investigating a syllabus elsewhere .
27 As I was typing this on the computer ( my VDU is a television set ) , the screen went odd with flashing lines and all the words missing .
28 He was building this house and he did not know why .
29 The new Social Sciences Faculty Building in Woodland Road was completed this summer and will be officially opened on 23 October
30 The Northumberland and Solway basins and some contiguous areas are the subject of the first study , which was completed this year .
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