Example sentences of "is often [conj] " in BNC.

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1 When women do confront sexism , the glib reply is often that it is a joke .
2 Their problem is often that there is nothing to explore except a bare concrete cell , and this frustrates them intensely .
3 The argument is often that a classification designed in the South ( no matter what alterations exist for Shetland ) does not take specifically local conditions and local interests into account .
4 There 's much that makes sense ; there 's much that is thought-provoking , even if the thought it provokes is often that the authors are off their trolley ( 'be alert to the strange fact that the end of each century divisible by five has witnessed a major transition in Western civilisation ’ ) .
5 A characteristic of such an organization is often that it has a very large board .
6 The difficulty here is often that it is not clear whether the problem is meant to bear a relation to the book-work question or not .
7 The defence of a firm accused of predatory pricing is often that it is merely responding to competition : so evidence of its intentions may be quite important in deciding whether a firm 's conduct is predatory or not .
8 Criticism of the retraining schemes is often that they train people for jobs that are not always available to them and they expect too much mobility from people who have further reasons , in their disability , for being reluctant to move from their familiar surroundings .
9 In narratives , such a view is often that presented by the main character in the story .
10 If you ask people to describe the times in their lives when they learned something about themselves it is often when someone else told them about the impact or bearing they observed they had in a situation .
11 If the authorities refrain from using force because they think it wiser to use other means , the effect is often as follows : … to prevent or resist violence , the governing class may use guile , cunning , fraud and corruption — in short .
12 Mary MacArthur spoke in defence of married women 's high sickness claims to the Departmental Committee on National Health Insurance in 1914 , but she still feared that any improvement respecting their position under the scheme would ‘ discriminate in favour of the wage-earning woman as against her uninsured sister , whose need is often as great , [ and ] will result in a State premium on the industrial employment of married women ’ .
13 Not only that , open learning is often as cost-effective ( if not more so ) as traditional learning methods !
14 More generally , the impact of the market is often and issue in development studies of the Third World .
15 This is often because they have such fear for the future , for some reason of their own , that death seems preferable .
16 Bereaved people may seem reluctant to accept invitations out , but that is often because they feel that they will be in the way or make an odd number at any gathering , and the hurt and embarrassment this creates is awful .
17 When a customer buys goods ‘ on impulse ’ it is often because something in the window display has caught his eye .
18 But ulcers try very hard to heal — if they do not it is often because of nurses who unwittingly use the wrong treatment .
19 Although this is often because they are in poor condition , many are still an excellent buy .
20 This is often because of early emotional over-dependence on his mother , which is associated in his subconscious mind with items of her clothing .
21 A minority kill themselves , or systematically intoxicate themselves , or withdraw into various psychotic or schizophrenic states ; but , as the various experts he talks to point out , this is often because of the difficulties they have caused themselves , or been caused by others .
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