Example sentences of "is still [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There is still scope for this funny old game to become even funnier .
2 Originally intended to be three volumes , it expanded to four , and there is still scope for more , particularly as the termites are treated rather briefly .
3 There is still scope for conducting trading operations through an IOFC .
4 Saxton Bampfylde represents a more recent example of a breakaway this time from John Stork — suggesting that there is still scope for start-ups in headhunting .
5 So there is still scope for further delay .
6 There is still scope therefore for the artist , but no longer for the run-of-the-mill artist , in scientific illustration .
7 Standardization only refers to certain aspects of a product 's design — there is still scope for variation .
8 Although the bulk of production will be consumed by the group , there is still scope for external customers , a point he considers of special significance with the advent of 1992 and the potential of orders from Europe .
9 Although sterling is now in the ERM there is still scope for reasonable movement and possible realignment .
10 This is still minute in relation to the number of health technologies used in the NHS , however .
11 I mean , it can turn gold into copper while at the same time it is still gold , it makes men rich by destroying their possessions , it allows the weak to walk fearlessly among thieves , it passes through the strongest doors to leach the most protected treasuries .
12 Even for the engineer there is still hope .
13 Yet there is still hope .
14 Yet for the moment there is still hope , a desperate hope of a near miss .
15 Though they 've slipped up lately , there is still hope that the Premier League will end up in the hands of the sort of club that the likes of Arsenal , Everton and Manchester United were trying to exclude in the first place .
16 Third , and less depressing than the first two , Corinth is not completely excavated ( most of what the modern visitor sees is Roman ) and there is still hope that the classical agora may produce evidence of the kind we want ; though to get it , the excavators ( the American School in Athens ) will need permission to dig under the main square of the modern town .
17 We are fleeing Earth for a new world while there is still hope , while there are still changes .
18 There is still hope that talks can succeed .
19 Perhaps there is still hope that professional golf will move away from the humdrum format of 72-hole medals and the public will realise that these events become viewable only at their conclusion when they turn into match-play .
20 I notice that neither John Scales or Alan Kernaghan have moved clubs yet so there is still hope that we 'll purchase one of them .
21 Perhaps there is still hope for the Medau Display Team !
22 Perhaps not quite a complete conversionbut the campaigns orgainsers say there is still tim e for the new religion to spread .
23 In the barn below the gallery there is still equipment for making swill baskets and older residents in the area remember swills being made on the gallery .
24 Council tax or no , their main grouse is still lack of spending power : 85% of local-council revenues are determined by central government , which also limits spending directly .
25 While RJ Levack is in receivership , the holding company , Levack International — owned by John Levack and his wife , Margaret — which owns 80 per cent of RJ Levack , is still solvent , for the time being .
26 Not as suspenseful , or as gross , as some claim , The Silence Of The Lambs is still horror 's most glamorous film yet , elegant , vicious and even drily amusing .
27 However well charted the world may be there is still adventure , danger and hardship for some travellers to endure : Christina Dodwell experienced ‘ cold terror ’ while crossing the rapids of the Laigap River in Papua New Guinea ; Dervla Murphy survived an attack by wolves and several rape attempts ; Rosie Atkins , travelling round the world with her husband and two children , was trapped overnight in a battered old coach by a landslide in Ladakh .
28 Answer guide : The reason for choosing this example is that this particular area is subject to rapid changes in technology which make estimation of useful life extremely difficult as in many cases there is still utility in the asset but it has been superseded by a ‘ better ’ alternative .
29 And Mr Stephen Dorrell is still Minister of Health .
30 Yet , there is still character — Cairns is likeable .
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