Example sentences of "is that some " in BNC.

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1 The corollary is that some catalogue information has only a limited life , since it may in its turn be overtaken by new research .
2 The truth is that some members of the Liverpool board had misgivings about the way Swansea were run and wondered if Toshack might have picked up bad habits .
3 The disadvantage of this is that some promoters underadvertise , underpromote , and undermarket the gig to try and put more pounds in their pockets by reducing their expenses .
4 What 's confusing , though is that some of these symptoms are sometimes reported by people who suffer from high blood pressure .
5 I did n't make friends easily , but the funny thing is that some of those I went to school with , and was n't so close to , have become good friends in later life .
6 Another is that some guesses were quickly proved to have been wrong and ended up in bankruptcy .
7 But the fourth is that some of the financing was priced too low — for revealing reasons .
8 ‘ The main point is that some of the advisory things have become law , ’ says the spokesman .
9 The logical outcome of all this is that some machinery firms are finding that the cost of exhibiting is n't matched by extra sales .
10 A further complication is that some plants , especially foliage houseplants , seldom flower in this country , or only do so when many years old .
11 One important point about these hot-spot plants is that some can be difficult to over-winter .
12 If there was a drawback to this grand strategy , it is that some of the gramophone recordings in recent years have lacked the startling intensity and insights of the theatre performances they have helped to prepare .
13 One qualification is that some evolutionary changes occur by chance , without natural selection .
14 The trouble is that some of the very best ‘ independent organic ’ wine-makers ( who can be some of the strictest and most idealistic ) such as Aime Guibert of Mas de Daumas Gassac or Franois Perrin of Chateau Beaucastel ( widely available ) , have chosen not to join any association .
15 Another theory is that some is juvenile water , released from molten rock deep within the Earth 's crust , often during volcanic eruptions .
16 The situation is that some of the cleaning is manual , in sinks , some on hard surfaces away from the sink and machine cleaning is also used .
17 The hope is that some will find in them food for thought .
18 My fourth point is that some of you may be persuaded to regard as a good reason for non-intervention the fact that the child , if it survives , will so disrupt its parents ' lives as to destroy the marriage , or will end up in some institution , in a form of living death .
19 The point is that some parents do it habitually .
20 However , while agreeing that crime must be controlled , this functionalist argument is that some criminal behaviour has positive and useful functions .
21 The cruel truth is that some animals put some humans to shame .
22 One snag is that some statistical tests , especially calculations of sample error , can not be made on quota sampling because they are not based on random sampling .
23 Life-positions throw light on why it is that some people tend to be winners and some losers in life .
24 The implication is that some Upper Carboniferous rocks of the foreland are still in the oil window , and that even if fairly high regional palaeogeothermal gradients are assumed , the gas preservation limit is likely to be several kilometres deep where the high-volatile coals occur .
25 This is closely related to the more general idea of a common association base ( CAB ) : the argument is that some sort of conceptual link has to be formed between individuals which have been introduced if they are to be referred to by a plural pronoun .
26 The only relief is that some of the heads wither away as new ideas take over , so that old techniques and formats become redundant .
27 Perhaps more important for the teacher is that some students , especially those from other cultures , may have been conditioned to respond to authority figures , especially teachers , by unquestioning obedience .
28 The only answer I can think is that some enterprising editor believed that , with ET all the rage after Star Wars , the time was ripe for a study of how Earthlings behave when aliens land .
29 The nemesis for this pure empiricism is that some ‘ megatrends ’ may be greatly exaggerated ; the outcome of some social and political conflicts may be wrongly estimated and some ‘ megatrends ’ may be omitted altogether , if they do not happen to slot into the chosen classification system .
30 One of the problems is that some doctors still behave as if they are deserving of awe , or as if patients are fools , when every patient is an expert on himself , at least .
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