Example sentences of "is that these " in BNC.

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1 The idea behind this theory is that these should be in perfect balance within the body .
2 Pound 's point , of course , in these essays reprinted from magazines and from earlier collections like Pavannes & Divisions ( 1918 ) or Instigations ( 1920 ) , is that these matters that we think of as recondite should not be so regarded .
3 The impressions given by Mr Glancey is that these buildings somehow just appear from nowhere , with no one even noticing ; he says that they are ‘ anonymous ’ , even ‘ invisible ’ .
4 The second is that these differences are the product of the influence of the ‘ new right ’ and its emphasis on market freedoms as the basis of civil and political liberty .
5 Even though the obvious explanation of the abnormal rhythmicity is that these people suffer from the loss of the light/dark cycle as a time-cue , the result also indicates that the other time-cues ( social factors , activity , and meal times ) are inadequate .
6 What he discovered is that these ‘ disciplines ’ were not really about uncovering truth for its own sake ; the ‘ knowledge ’ they generated was inseparable from and instrumental in ‘ techniques of domination ’ .
7 A common explanation is that these revolutions came from outside : East Europeans simply took the chance offered by Mikhail Gorbachev 's Sinatra doctrine to ‘ do it their way ’ .
8 At the age of 22 he wrote to his father from Paris : ‘ What annoys me most is that these idiots in France still think I am seven years old , because that is when they first knew me . ’
9 The scheme is that these take an ‘ absolutely vested interest ’ only on the attainment of 18 years or marriage .
10 One supposed justification is that these extra offences are needed to cope with ‘ group offending ’ , which causes fear in ordinary citizens , and extra difficulties for the police and for prosecutors ( in obtaining persuasive evidence ) .
11 My own view is that these exceptions are so infrequent that they are not a reason for abandoning the neo-Darwinist mechanism as the one which underlies the vast majority of adaptive evolutionary changes .
12 The axiom is that these novels are the first to be written .
13 ‘ One of the problems is that these older men do n't understand their roles and younger men feel let down and betrayed , ’ says Richard .
14 An interesting point is that these often become more detailed the lower down the ‘ hierarchy ’ we look .
15 Another principal suggestion is that these relatively simple compounds were first held ( ‘ adsorbed ’ ) on the surface of clays , which then acted as catalysts , and caused them to react together .
16 We discuss the idea of goodness in the next chapter , but what we can note here is that these characteristics have traditionally been regarded as examples of the way of eminence — of God possessing perfectly what we possess imperfectly .
17 The implication here is that these workers have rejected the dominant values of society and are made up of criminals , prostitutes , drug-addicts and other drop-outs ( Lloyd 1982 ) .
18 Recent thinking is that these should be scrapped and replaced with the wider concept of children with ‘ learning difficulties ’ having ‘ special educational needs ’ .
19 The Americans tried to do it in Panama , what disgusts me is that these are the pictures that sold , the ones done when there was no more opposition .
20 The advantage of the method of analysis suggested here is that these international influences are not treated as isolated and exogenous instances , as if operated by deus ex machina , but are explicable and connected within the context of the workings of the world economic system .
21 The point made here and in Heyer , Roberts and Williams ( 1981 ) is that these conflicts of interest and how they are expressed in governments ( and outside ) have to be recognised .
22 What is worrying is that these countries may serve as reservoirs of infection should any of the richer countries ever get on top of their own VD problem .
23 Perhaps the most serious worry is that these institutions too are disposing of books .
24 But what differentiates the earlier part of this century from either the present or the early nineteenth century is that these problems did not all coalesce into one disturbing image of a threatening , dangerous , and disorderly criminal class .
25 If some of those who resist and resent the imposition , opt out of the electoral system ( and the calculation is that these will be those who are thought , either now or in the future , likely to benefit from the present array of public services ) , while others are more inclined to vote at local elections for a party which offers to cut and reorganize services , the electoral outcome would be dramatic .
26 One advantage of complete mixes is that these problems have been corrected by nutritionists who work for the compound feed manufacturers .
27 The reason you would ask about ‘ luxury ’ proteins is that these proteins are special to the cell .
28 My answer is that these children already have a backlog of uninterpreted experiments .
29 The strange thing is that these bites are not difficult to hit once you have detected them .
30 The first and perhaps most important point is that these words do not attribute property directly either to the trustee ( B ) or to the beneficiary ( C ) .
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