Example sentences of "is also call " in BNC.

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1 The other main type of sleep — slow wave sleep — is also called ‘ deep sleep ’ because it is more difficult to raise us from .
2 Unlike 12 C and 13 C , 14 C is unstable and therefore radioactive : hence the name ‘ radiocarbon ’ is used for this isotope which , because of its scientific designation , is also called ‘ carbon fourteen ’ .
3 The rare Witrik is also called the Witrug ( white back ) , Ruggelde ( rigget ) or Aalstreep ( eelstripe ) , the latter in reference to its colour-sided red or white coat .
4 There is little doubt that debt counselling , or money advice as it is also called , is the major ‘ growth ’ area among all CABx enquiries .
5 D. Some people are the workers who actively make money , which is also called wealth or capital .
6 The float is also called the …
7 It is also called St Austin 's Stone , because of the legend that St Augustine ( also known as ‘ Austin' ) preached from it and baptized converts in the spring below .
8 ‘ Lifeboats ’ is also called followed by a number .
9 But in addition to the church 's calling to be the invisible yeast leavening the whole dough and the salt savouring the whole meal , it is also called to be a light placed prominently and strategically upon a lamp-stand so as to light the whole house .
10 During the first half of 1782 , Wolfgang continued to work on Die Entführung , whose heroine , by coincidence , is also called Constanze .
11 The shaggy ink cap is also called the ‘ lawyers wig ’ because of the white woolly cap .
12 R. centifolia is also called the ‘ Painters ’ Rose' as it became a favourite still life subject with French and English painters .
13 To anyone not running a company , the fuss among businessmen about re-engineering — or ‘ process redesign ’ as it is also called — seems puzzling .
14 It is a paired structure which occupies most of the cerebral hemispheres and is also called the neopallium .
15 This is also called a time spread , a horizontal spread , an intermonth spread , an interdelivery spread or a calendar spread .
16 ( In the United States it is also called Lou Gehrig 's disease . )
17 This dust is sometimes called fines , and it is also called soil but this is a poor term because it implies an organic component , which is absent .
18 The total energy flow through a sphere at a distance r from the source is the total energy output of the source , which is also called its luminosity L. In Appendix F it is shown that where is the reduced quadrupole moment of the source with ρ being the density in a volume element .
19 It is only necessary to add that a consistency checking procedure is also called .
20 Fcp is also called cubic close packing .
21 This is also called the molecular formula .
22 For example , nitrogen monoxide , NO , is also called nitrogen oxide .
23 This is also called lattice energy .
24 Because of the interesting anti-microbial and anti-proliferative properties of this cytosolic protein , which is also called calprotectin , we decided to examine its distribution in macrophages and granulocytes of the normal human gut , focusing on ileal mucosa and Peyer 's patches .
25 The validity of the lower inherited capital stock argument ( which relies on bond purchases reducing current saving and hence investment ) is also called into question .
26 The negative side of stress is also called , cause dis-stress .
27 Second team bowler Robert Powell is also called up as Builth look to halt their recent decline .
28 Jamie Sylvester , the Glamorgan Seconds and Maesteg Celtic batsman is also called up for his first game of the season .
29 A detailed case study approach is also called for by the nature of the explanatory variables that will be proposed .
30 I believe that he is also calling us to break out of the margins and take the battle to the Enemy .
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