Example sentences of "is it really " in BNC.

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1 Whether inherited or picked up from an antique shop , it often holds a sentimental value — but what is it really worth ?
2 This does indeed seem like getting something for nothing , but is it really ?
3 ‘ This a pension of £60,000 plus £600,000 at the end — is it really possible ? ’ he asked .
4 Is it really as duff as we said ?
5 Is it really important ? ’
6 ‘ In the light of these realities , is it really reasonable to expect the police to apply to the Irish population in this country the presumption of innocence that they apply to other citizens ?
7 Is it really beyond the realms of the possible for the international community to put any tangible pressure on Ceausescu ?
8 Is it really necessary for a person to leave a body behind , a body that must be buried in the ground or thrown into a fire ?
9 But is it really ready for an all-out assault of US cultural imperialism which will , as sure as Stalin followed Lenin , lead to more phoney romanticised visions of America 's mythical past and an enormous Eastern European identity crisis ?
10 Parker called for a ‘ United Congregational Church ’ and despite vociferous interruptions from the floor he asked , ‘ Is it really a glorious thing to be absolutely independent of each other ? ’
11 Is it really true that nucleic acids are the only carriers of genetic information ?
12 Is it really the case that ordinary mem bers of the public have a hatred of the police so virulent that it completely overbears normal reactions of shock , concern , and compassion ?
13 But is it really a good idea that students should be taught about sex in seminaries ?
14 Is it really ?
15 Is it really any better to be saying to another religious tradition what John Hick presumably says , namely : ‘ Your God is really my God ’ , than to be saying with Polycarp and the Proconsul : ‘ Your God does n't exist ’ ?
16 Nor is it really clear what the documents tell us .
17 Is it really the breed for you ?
18 They may be too young to know their own minds and the teachers may be taking advantage ; but is it really an area where the authorities should intervene ?
19 Is it really possible for a woman to break a man 's penis in the same way that one can break a wrist or an arm ?
20 For instance , is it really important to realise that the ollie to nosepick above is on an exceptionally harsh bank in Nottingham ?
21 Initially planned to help educate new American listeners , ‘ Louder That Bombs ’ proved to be a mish mash of ‘ The World Wo n't Listen ’ , ‘ Hatful Of Hollow ’ and the forthcoming single , ‘ Sheila Take a Bow ’ / ‘ Is It Really So Strange ’ and ‘ Sweet And Tender Hooligan ’ .
22 Is it really suitable for your needs ?
23 Is it really certain — no competition ?
24 I know we have all heard of cases where someone has smoked sixty cigarettes a day and still lived to a ripe old age — but is it really worth taking the chance ?
25 Is it really necessary for you to have no claim if you are indeed made redundant or treated unjustly at the time when the contract finishes ?
26 Is it really necessary to explain the excitement of smashing things , whether they are milk bottles , shop windows , buses , telephone boxes or whatever , if the alternative is to stand there and do nothing .
27 Is it really possible to ‘ contract-out ’ some specialties and still retain a comprehensive service ?
28 Is it really an ‘ echo ’ from the past ?
29 Is it really relevant that most of that military money produced not a single weapon ?
30 ‘ Scorelord ! ’ he cried , ‘ Is it really you ? ’
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