Example sentences of "is in many " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps because he is in many ways an absolutely objective choreographer , he successfully exposes his deeply held views on society and its problems , in particular man 's inhumanity to man , through dance .
2 But it can also be very brisk and neat with a perfect close in 5th position as it is in many Bournonville ballets and Ashton 's Birthday Offering .
3 Conversely , poetry is in many ways closer to music than to the more extended and discursive literary forms .
4 Yet the first definition of culture which he now supplies , ‘ that of a refinement of living , including appreciation of philosophy and the arts , among the upper levels of society ’ , is in many ways close to Amold 's ideal .
5 This preliminary chat should be much higher on the agenda than it is in many salons . ’
6 On the technical side , remedial work is in many cases already on the way .
7 Instead what we have before us is a German triumph that could not have happened without Gorbachev and Walesa , a triumph that was not planned and which is in many ways an accident , but which nevertheless has come about because both West and East Germans have seized the moment of national opportunity .
8 The fact that divorce is in many cases equally desired by both parties makes it probable that there may in fact be some collusion between them .
9 We can infer from the available evidence , unsatisfactory though it is in many respects , that , as had been the case in 1939 , the attempt on Hitler 's life polarized sentiments .
10 Unfortunately , since theatre direction is in many ways an ephemeral art , we can never really know how the famous Gründgens/Karajan Zauberflöte really looked and sounded in Berlin in 1938 , though the production was celebrated at the time for the uncanny matching of musical and visual textures .
11 I know Sibelius is in many ways a very different composer from Bruckner , but I remember you suggesting that there are for you affinities between them .
12 The odd one out in my list is in many ways the most beguiling .
13 A character called Barny , an English hotelier , runs the Easo and he is in many ways our father figure in Benidorm .
14 The relationship between teachers and pupils is in many ways similar to the relationship between other professionals and their clients , but it is suggested here that in an ideal sense ( and in many cases practically too ) it does have special characteristics which are fundamentally opposed to traditional ideas of professionalism .
15 The ecology of islands is in many ways special : few species ; no large mammalian predators ; large versions of creatures that are generally small , and small versions of creatures that are generally large .
16 ‘ The picture that emerges from our review of radioactive waste management is in many ways a disquieting one , ’ the Commission noted with cautious understatement , ‘ indicating insufficient appreciation of long-term requirements either by government departments or other organizations concerned . ’
17 There is in many societies a strong economic , political and psychic advantage in having male children , so the proposition of preventing any births , precludes that possibility , and those benefits are perceived to be real as soon as the ( male ) child is born .
18 It is not surprising therefore that the history of thought about the two policy areas is in some ways similar , although that of family planning is in many ways a decade ahead of conservation .
19 ‘ The actual contract itself is in many ways a bit of a red herring .
20 Wind , tho' an uncertain power , is in many instances used ; but in this county , where coals are so cheap , and in most cases at no great distance , steam is probably the best and most effective power that can be employed … ‘
21 Many of these people are migrants from the lowlands , where most of the country 's agriculture is located , who have little money to invest to ensure success in the longer term and who lack security of tenure to make farming the heritage enterprise that it is in many nations .
22 In Nepal , for example , receipts from tourism constitute some 46.4 per cent of export earnings and while there are adverse environmental effects of this development , as will be discussed below , tourism is an important source of employment , as it is in many developing countries .
23 In other words , the overall management of an organisation that is in many ways similar to a small hotel or guest house , where most of the guests are extremely frail elderly people .
24 The resulting charge separation , is in many ways analogous to photosynthetic charge separation .
25 This process is in many ways analogous to deductive reasoning .
26 The community element of the strategy marks what is in many ways a unique experiment in physical and economic regeneration .
27 Pannick is in many respects a mild reformer : more of a Gorbachev than a Yeltsin when it comes to this version of the one-party state .
28 This scenario is in many ways similar to Charles Handy 's Work Society , but , whereas Handy based his vision on his views about what values ought to prevail in post-industrial society , Gershuny 's picture is built up from an analysis of economic trends .
29 The style of the poem is in many ways seventeenth-century , though there are plenty of resemblances to later hymns ; but it could be described as an emblem-poem in the seventeenth-century tradition .
30 ‘ He is in many people 's minds the next logical man to fill Charles ' place and there is no smoke without fire . ’
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