Example sentences of "for any number " in BNC.

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1 It accounted for any number of recognisable types .
2 Often as not fry have to be removed from their parents for any number of reasons and if a bare tank is used in which to grow them on , it is not always possible to have a suitable filter on hand to use in an emergency .
3 The name of the Hooligan , in fact , provided a crystallising focus for any number of overlapping anxieties associated with imperial decline , military incapacity , the erosion of social discipline and moral authority , the eclipse of family life , and what was feared to be the death rattle of ‘ Old England ’ .
4 Pupils may be asked directly to describe a rule for predicting how many matches would be needed for any number of boxes , or they may instead be asked how many would be needed for , say , 500 boxes and then asked about their methods as referred to below .
5 The response given by pupil 2 is couched in terms indicating that the method is general for any number of squares .
6 We suppose that if you know the rule for +2 , you know , for any number n , the number which is n + 2 .
7 ASC11 — This ASCII convertor shows you the ASCII code for any number you type in
8 thought of as a a recipe , for any number .
9 ‘ I became , ’ he says , ‘ hooked on Cambodia for any number of reasons .
10 ’ He could be here for any number of reasons … ’
11 Couples stay together for any number of reasons other than happiness : questions of money , children , accommodation or idleness , depression , habit , fears above all : fear of what the neighbours will say , fear of loss of status — fear of going without sex being chief amongst them .
12 In cases such as this substitutes to this ideal are used , such as electoral registers , lists of households , etc. , with the proviso that such lists , while convenient , may not include , for any number of reasons , all the units that belong to the population of the United Kingdom .
13 The line plots the optimal quantity of the good for any number resident in the neighbourhood .
14 The hotelier can set up for any number of different plans , for example , golf weekends , leisure breaks , family rates , and so forth
15 The most versatile item is one that faces in all directions and is suitable for any number of performers , but if the audience is all on one side then the item must play mainly to it .
16 Any review of the structures is not likely to stand for any number of years , it 's not likely to get absolutely right , erm , and so be flexible about your approach .
17 The structure was there and I think anybody who 's been in this business for any number of years , some of us have been in it longer than others er know that you actually need a structure er of that , of that little .
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