Example sentences of "for us [adv] " in BNC.

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1 That 's right , he 's gone to near neighbours , Buckingham erm we wish him all the best there , he 's done a fine job for us over two years .
2 Nash describes the use of ‘ stress skills ’ in combating the stress that works against us , and in putting the same stress to work for us instead .
3 It was low and cracked to begin with , then it rose up the scale , eerily , and shook out its top notes across the damp , half-lit glade until I really did think that my father had come not from the hospital but from some horribly , cold , empty region that lies in wait for us instead of all the heavens we have dreamed up to make things bearable .
4 ‘ The irony is that it 's all been dead for us lately .
5 Yeah well it 's cheaper for us anyway .
6 Cos they always cook for us anyway
7 I said it 's not for us anyway so
8 Unfortunately the tone in which they are expressed , and the language they are couched in , prevent our taking them in that way , and recall for us rather the heads of Auden 's indictment : ‘ lazy … too easily bored … persuaded beyond argument … ’
9 So is n't it good for us rather than quibbling , rather than criticizing , and recognizing that we 've all got different abilities and perhaps if you had n't got one of those abilities there , the , the body that it speaks about , you see every part plays a part does n't it on our physical body and so we are in accommodation , we all have a part to play , and that 's the way we , we grow you see and we mature and we become better , able , equipped to go out and tell others , gives us confidence as well if we know what we 're talking about , that way we can learn , so never quibble about assignments and arrangements , never criticize brothers and sisters in the congregation .
10 ‘ I might try and get the superintendent of this building to check it over for us later on this morning . ’
11 He added : ‘ It 's a major boost for us financially but what a sad , sorry business this has been .
12 And it is for us surely to open ourselves without prejudice to the shape that it will take in the future .
13 Bert Howe was a consistent , reliable and determined full-back , who signed for us just after Christmas 1958 and first appeared for the Palace in the dark days of the 4th Division , but who proceeded to help us secure a place in Division Two .
14 ‘ If it could come for us just a little way away I would n't mind , ’ Gurder quavered .
15 ‘ It does n't mean new jobs but its good news for us just the same . ’
16 Well for us just going here it 's thirteen pound it cost me .
17 we shall have to ring er the grand parents cos they wanted a copy , we 're supposed to get a free copy of the magazine we think , but they photocopied that for us just for fun
18 A steward wearing d'Aubigny 's livery , blue with silver fleur de lys , announced His Lordship was waiting for us outside .
19 It 's gone dark while he 's waiting for us outside .
20 ‘ Will you fight with us and for us again ? ’ said Tealtaoich .
21 Look out for us again in September .
22 for us again please .
23 The county 's director of cricket , Geoff Cook , said : ‘ Dean was very popular up here and did a perfect job for us on and off the pitch . ’
24 But clearly it is another factor that would make it the less satisfactory for us simply to refuse the application without more .
25 It 's much better , I feel , from the public 's point of view , for us simply to say ‘ Yes , I think although it will be cloudy until the latter end of the morning that we confidently expect the sun to break through , and then when it 's through it 'll stay with us through the afternoon .
26 Unless there 's a party of soldiers waiting for us somewhere along the route .
27 The Billeting Office found us accommodation , but no one appeared to be responsible for us otherwise , though I expect we could have gone to our administrative chief Harold Fletcher , if we had been in any serious trouble .
28 i find that the time I spend with Danielle now is action packed and full of play , kisses and cuddles and more stimulating for us both than it was previously .
29 Julia and her father : ‘ The hardest thing for us both was the reversal of authority ’
30 The matter crosses delicate and dangerous ground , and it might be better for us both if it remained unexplored . ’
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