Example sentences of "for he take " in BNC.

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1 A manuscript of poems was assembled by him for the Professor to view ; the intention being ( and Dudek was very well experienced in this sort of work ) for him to take the matter over and see it through to publication .
2 As Keith explained , it was not any easier for him to take up employment with the RAF because his father had been a career forces man .
3 He says you lot ca n't play and it 's getting to him , it 's too much work for him to take on , what with his writing and everything .
4 Then feeling for the window-sill that was part way up , he knocked the owl lamp that his Mum had put there for him to take up to his room .
5 We had gone to the Council Offices to obtain permission for him to take it with him .
6 While he is out hunting , to kill something for his father 's meal , Rebekah dresses her favourite son , Jacob , in Esau 's clothes , and cooks a meal for him to take to the blessing .
7 If this brilliant colt attempts the Triple Crown , in Louisville , Maryland , and New York , it would be impossible for him to take in Epsom .
8 Daphne has no money for him to take , but there is the perennial fear of seduction .
9 If the patient had hobbies before his stroke or head injury , such as drawing , painting or needlepoint , you should try to make it possible for him to take them up again .
10 It was nothing for him to take the ball off them and stick the knife in it to burst it . ’
11 I bought a large box of loukoumi for him to take , to ensure him a good reception .
12 It was all too fast for him to take in .
13 The not-so-dour Scot knows it will be a unique experience for him to take the visitor 's dressing room at the citadel where his deeds as player and manager became legend — as did his departure .
14 It would have been easy for him to take it off .
15 He said his name was Pearson , he was from coypu control and would it be all right for him to take a look round the lake ?
16 The engine driver also gave control some idea of how long it would take to clean the fire and raise sufficient steam for him to take his train forward .
17 To one who had waited so long , this letter would scarcely have indicated that the time had come for him to take vigorous action on his own .
18 Because Carol was n't there , was n't arching her head to see the contents of a letter , it was not necessary for him to take the envelope into his own office .
19 Their findings disturbed the High Loremaster sufficiently for him to take them to the Phoenix King .
20 Of course , he might have been lying , I suppose , but that would have been an imaginative step for him to take .
21 He lays down the only terms on which it is possible for him to take up residence with his people .
22 Often the process of enforcement or preservation makes it necessary for him to take or defend proceedings .
23 Anthony , predictably enough Julia thought , decided that his patients needed him too much for him to take any kind of holiday over the Easter weekend , but he made no objection to David 's formal request to take Julia away to stay with his mother .
24 She was coldly angry now that he should so calmly assume that what he desired was there for him to take .
25 Great-Uncle Isaac at Dummah Hill , where Father was living and working , was kin to the brothers so an arrangement was made for him to take over the land .
26 Kathy Rooney had to leave me one night when we were dining at the Kensington Hilton , so she took me to the porter to arrange for him to take me upstairs to my room when I was ready .
27 Perhaps this surrender to the invading power of God 's Spirit , this willingness for him to take us and break us and use us , IS one of the prime lessons which the charismatic movement throughout the churches is teaching us at the present time .
28 So er I went down the Red Lion in Willenhall and fixed him up for a night 's dosh , did n't I , and the driver and then er I worked on , worked on and on and was able to get these er done for him to take back to fit this ship .
29 " Now then … in 1959 your husband came to the conclusion , and I am given to understand that you fully agreed , that it would be a sensible step for him to take employment for 15 months with a construction firm in Central America , in order to save the larger part of his salary Nenna protested that she had never exactly thought it sensible , it was the parting of lovers , which must always be senseless , but they 'd both of them thought that David , Panama , would be a wretched place to take small children to .
30 ‘ Is it so wrong for him to take a pep pill ?
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