Example sentences of "for [subord] she " in BNC.

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1 Searching round for where she 'd put her champagne glass , she discovered it on a wrought-iron table behind her .
2 Melanie knew what she was waiting for although she had not told her .
3 Do n't know what she had toothpastes for cos she 'd false teeth .
4 However , she recently asked what it was all for if she could not have a child .
5 It is a happiness so mild and cool that it is like a kind of saintliness after passion : yet it is not satiety … for if she has any unhealth , it is from me ; and that more of her lips than in her heart . ’
6 what she crying for ? , what she going on the street for if she do n't like it ? , silly idiot
7 I did not find out how much she sold the garments for because she left me standing outside , but she always looked pleased when she emerged from these visits .
8 As children they were spoiled — how can a five , seven , eleven year old be blamed for the lifelong influence of having his shoes cleaned , his tea-cup passed across a table , his hair combed , his every want anticipated by the mother he ached for because she was already so worn out and was not , in the end , his mother ?
9 HOSPITAL officials have pledged to investigate allegations that a 90-year-old patient was not properly cared for while she waited for an operation .
10 This was what she had been waiting for since she had first met him though she had never admitted it to herself until now .
11 Her legacy from the hot three-month affair is fame — the very prize she was striving for before she played bedroom games with the Minister for Fun .
12 Which airline did Mrs Taubman work for before she became Mrs Sotheby 's ? ) .
13 She wrote letters all day , floated around on a lilac cloud , heart beating scarlet with desire for Astrid and the tingling delight of waiting for when she would return .
14 We related to her how everything happened ; she exulted and gloried and was now blessing you ( O God ) who are able to do above what we can ask or conceive , because she recognized that with regard to me you have given her so much more than she used to beg for when she wept so pitifully before you .
15 Perhaps rock star Bryan Adams , the victim of Selina 's odd questioning on the Wogan show , offered the best explanation for the success Selina will be looking for when she interviews celebrities on Entertainment Express next year .
16 The one thing Katherine had n't bargained for when she executed her well-laid plans was that her brother Leo might not be home when she arrived .
17 She had a small legacy from Aunt Millie , but it was hidden away , waiting for when she married .
18 It was quite a drive and quite a list for when she got there , so she was unlikely to be back before the early evening ; but this was no great problem , because they 'd soon be closing the doors so that they could make a start on the next day 's preparations .
19 Mr Gibbon had been an industrialist whose firm had employed the ad agency which Aunt Ilsa had worked for when she 'd first moved to London .
20 Maybe that 's what she would look for when she returned to La Jolla .
21 Despite her fiery auburn curls , she very rarely lost her temper — largely because she 'd learnt over the years to put a tight lid on seething emotions in public , keeping explosions solely for when she was by herself .
22 That way , we shall save her a great deal of pain , and she can husband her strength for when she needs to push the baby out . ’
23 She gathered information all morning ; taking accurate measurements and soil tests , pin-pointing particular features or specimens on her plan , even photographs to remind her for when she got back to her drawing-board and began designing .
24 There was a good , steady wage , and a proper job was more than she had ever hoped for when she 'd first noticed the advertisement written in felt-tip in the corner of one of the windows .
25 ‘ It is n't every man who approves of women having ambition , ’ Ashley remarked a touch cryptically — for when she had been made a director several of her male colleagues had found it very hard to handle .
26 Later this month , Anna 's taking her cabaret act to Cyprus to entertain the Army and the Magic Circle 's lined up a number of shows in London for when she returns .
27 And I get it green for when she stands up in class .
28 Mary Lou was miserable , she could n't believe she had any enemy 's , for when she found buttons cut off on her Sunday dress , she new someone was being unkind and mean , Gwendoline comforted her .
29 For when she comes across .
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