Example sentences of "for [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Apart from the obvious enjoyment of this extended honeymoon stage , it does mean that the actual hard work of the relationship can be delayed , for nothing the young lovers do could ever spoil the bliss — at least for a short while !
2 I know what I need , to put my head down for half an hour this afternoon I wo n't be fit for nothing the night .
3 Especially when his teacher explained that Jesus was born again for everyone every Christmas and Bethlehem was never far away .
4 There has been a recognition of the constraints within which the Trust can plan its long-term management and for everyone a jolting out of the cosy belief that man is master .
5 Calvinists , for whom no event could be fortuitous , were especially prone to make judgments that divine providence was supposed to bring to fruition before their eyes .
6 The huge majority of humanity are earthy clods for whom no hope may be entertained .
7 However , even after excluding these infective causes and any anatomical reasons ( it has been suggested , for instance , that a ‘ pouting ’ urethral meatus in women can give rise to recurrent urethral symptoms , and a urethral caruncle , a tiny button of sensitive flesh at the urethral opening , can certainly cause a similar discomfort ) , there remain a few women for whom no predisposing factor can be elicited .
8 Patients who feel vaguely unwell but for whom no specific diagnosis can be made and who therefore are difficult or impossible to patch or repair tend to be regarded either as malingerers or psychosomatic problems — with the term psychosomatic being equated with unreal or imaginary .
9 Their skinhead followers are horrid but , in the French elections , the majority of 18-24 year olds voted Green , and Le Pen 's support came from an older and jobless proletariat — the 10 per cent of Europe 's have-nothings for whom no mainstream party offers more than kind words and strict membership of the European Monetary System .
10 Most reluctantly , for he had no wish to offend Andrew Gardner , a good friend , whose wife was William Weir 's aunt , the Duke of Montrose agreed to James Graham 's proposal for Weir 's removal , but this was done only in order to retain the services of a good man in the office of bailie-substitute , for whom no alternative was in sight .
11 Priority is being given to children with physical disabilities for whom no other respite care service exists in the borough .
12 This term is used to indicate the non-arrival of a guest , and for whom no formal cancellation has been received .
13 Without the incentive to employ workers for whom no national insurance contributions are payable , employers may more rationally decide on whether new job opportunities warrant full- or part-time status .
14 The " yes " vote was recorded as 77.3 per cent of the 10,948,468 votes cast ( a turnout of about two-thirds of all eligible voters ) , but with a large majority voting " no " in the Transylvanian counties of Harghita and Covasna , the main centres of ethnic Hungarian population , for whom no special minority or language rights were guaranteed .
15 The actor who has stamped his presence on 72 films is described as the Gallic raging bull , a man for whom no role is too outlandish to take on .
16 He was a scientific adventurer , for whom every discovery revealed immediate new possibilities ; and he saw no end to his work .
17 This was a more democratic view of organization , both socially and metaphysically , and one closer to Aristotle and Leibniz , for whom every entity , however lowly , had its degree of consciousness .
18 For housewives trying to do their best for their families , for whom every mid-Victorian penny counted , of course the dividend was what mattered .
19 There are developers for whom a building is not just another source of profit and who want to be good patrons .
20 employees who have made other arrangements to pay their contributions ( i.e. those for whom a form RD950 is held ) .
21 The age of organ-building goes back at least to Louis the Pious , for whom a Venetian priest called George built an organ at Aachen in 826 , and it is reflected in the lively illustrations of organs in the Utrecht Psalter , a Reims manuscript of about 830 .
22 In addition , among those for whom a staff member responded only one in twelve of those admitted during the last year of the life was felt to have had a good quality of life during that time compared with nearly half ( 46 per cent ) of those who had been in a home for a year or more .
23 For those who were destined for university , for whom A levels and S levels were first invented , they could go even further .
24 The degrees have been designed primarily for those already employed in the chemical or biological industries for whom a degree is necessary or desirable for promotion to a more senior appointment .
25 This was in constant use for emaciated patients who were just skin and bones and for whom a normal bed provided no comfort at all .
26 Unlike many carnivores , for whom a single meal a day is often sufficient , herbivores have to spend much of their time eating .
27 This must not be dismissed as mere metaphor since it could also be true of the reader , for whom a health check might reveal their having suffered from a range of complaints in blissful ignorance .
28 Thus , if we restrict our attention for the moment to pupils for whom a statement is made , the proportion ranges across LEAs from less than 1 per cent of the school population to nearly 3 per cent .
29 He was one of those blessed people who have an itch in their hands to make things which will not be denied and for whom a lack of formal training in the arts is compensated by a hyper-developed sense of ingenious invention .
30 The long corridors of the Bastille were hardly convenient for Pavarotti , for whom a dressing-room was created nearer the stage , so that he did n't have to walk too far .
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