Example sentences of "was too [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I found before that my heart was too partial in his favour and now with so much openness , affection and honour too , I am quite overcome .
2 Balfour 's charm was too subtle and serpentine for him .
3 Visually , the change was too subtle to attract much notice .
4 Oh , sorry — that last one was too ridiculous .
5 Many of these halls have been restored but , though the craftsmanship is good and great care has been taken , the task was too extensive to permit the finance necessary to restore the buildings to the standard of richness that they had originally .
6 It was too mortifying for words , and it intensified the vulnerable feeling she 'd been experiencing around Guy Sterne .
7 The measure was opposed by Bush and by many Republican legislators on the grounds that it was too lavish .
8 Perhaps this was too sinister for the judges ' tastes ?
9 Unfortunately Cantor 's definition was too wide-ranging : intuition had failed once again at the most basic level ( see Russell 's Paradox in Section 0.2 ) and the third great foundational crisis was at hand .
10 I was too agitated to notice anything like that at the time . ’
11 The vicious force which was now her essence and to which she gave the name of hatred ( only this was too narrow and too petty a name to describe it ) was directed upon Jack : Jack on whom daily , as he looked at her sometimes so anxiously , so humbly , she smiled the smile of reassurance and of calm .
12 Since the mid-1970s , with the recognition that urban managerialism was too narrow in its scope , the concerns of local political research have widened considerably .
13 ‘ When my friends asked me why I left the ministry , I told them the focus was too narrow .
14 At some point Kāli and I had stopped climbing and branched off to the left : but this was too narrow , an animal track .
15 The alley was too narrow for Dr Halden 's carriage .
16 The notion of balance , for example , was too narrow to explore divergent opinions and subtleties : it necessarily divided and exaggerated differences for the sake of political television .
17 Three years into his undergraduate degree he concluded that the curriculum was too narrow , too rigid , and too dominated by grades .
18 Both Sony and the Koei Group gave various reasons for the split , Sony that its mission of developing the desk-top publishing market on workstations had been accomplished , while the Koei Group indicated that Sony 's NEWS was too narrow a system for the jointly developed software , which will now be converted for other workstations and personal computers , including Sun Microsystems Inc Sparcsystems and Apple Computer Inc 's Macintosh .
19 The passage was too narrow to let her slip past the Woman .
20 Before , I was too narrow
21 The place was supposed to be dangerous because the path was too narrow between the gorse bushes and the edge : it stood to reason , she stumbled over in the wind .
22 The bed was too narrow and Oliver muttered in his sleep and ground his teeth and thrashed about with his fists .
23 It was too narrow in its previous incarnation .
24 If the NCVQ was too narrow in its concern with those skill-based qualifications which satisfied employers , the local manager could only wait and see what the final outcome would be between the force of BTEC ( arguing for greater breadth and balance ) and NCVQ .
25 Lord Roskill in Morris said that the requirement in Eddy v Niman that there had to be an " overt act " was too narrow and that the act " need not necessarily be overt " .
26 Mr Adair argued that the Government 's approach to these difficulties was conditioned solely by the objective of cutting spending , was too narrow and ‘ simply nibbles at the problem ’ .
27 I decided to study linguistics at M.I.T. Although I learned a great deal , particularly regarding rigorous methods in linguistics , I must confess that the M.I.T. approach to linguistics was too narrow for my taste , and I found the hothouse atmosphere there somewhat uncomfortable .
28 The officers , whether beneficiarii , stratores or regionarii , might have been in charge of , and therefore accommodated in , the mansio , if one existed , though it has been argued that a beneficiarius , usually only a legionary , was too junior in status to have charge of such an important building .
29 Tried using popgun after fiasco of toy cannon , he wrote , but that was too violent where other was too weak .
30 Everything was too violent and hot .
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