Example sentences of "was as [art] " in BNC.

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1 The best one was as a skirt , modelled by Geraldine , with the sleeves twisted into a waistband .
2 I remember his telling us how the first time he encountered stress incontinence was as a young boy standing at the foot of the ladder while a little old country woman handed him down apples from the tree .
3 But most of the rest of his career was as a travel photographer working for P & O and Union Castle , as well as the tourist boards for the Bahamas , Barbados and Jamaica , where he went every second winter to photograph personalities such as Joan Crawford or Richard Lester , and incidentally took the last photographs of Ian Fleming and Noel Coward .
4 His first academic appointment was as a lecturer in law at Manchester University .
5 It was as a mere 12-year-old — forever doodling characters from favourite children 's stories — that Albert Uderzo set his heart on becoming France 's answer to Walt Disney .
6 And the third was as a confessor , because he knew that many souls valued him in this work .
7 It was as a possession of society that mythology and the great art of the past was of use to the poet , since as such its strength and currency was established and purged of personal intrusions .
8 When that high spirit , that morningstar of evil , fell from heaven , it was as a rebel that he fell .
9 It is also an image which tells us that , it Gide 's contribution to the liberation of the subjugated was as a writer , it is also true that he exemplified the writer 's inevitably exploitative relation to the same , and that this exploitation persists as an aesthetic mode long after the blindness or impossibility of desire was acknowledged .
10 The major economic argument for the area was as a way of expanding the zone of multilateral trade in the short run , and as a source of ‘ highly beneficial trading and banking relations ’ .
11 It was as a result of this new approach that Haslam found himself in the Plastics Division , a more glamorous part of ICI , in contrast to the Nobel Division he had recently left .
12 There was as a result a shortage of marriageable young men among the lower Patels .
13 She claims it was as a result of hearing herself say , ‘ coom on , buzz , ’ while waiting in a bus shelter .
14 However unattractive King James was as a man and a monarch , he did leave a few noble monuments to grace his reign .
15 It is 2 ½ years since he lost in a world title match to Michael Spinks and just as he did after a similar fight , with Larry Holmes , he brooded for a long time , finally overcame problems with drugs , and went into business , part of which was as a fight promoter .
16 It is 2 ½ years since he lost in a world title match to Michael Spinks and just as he did after a similar fight , with Larry Holmes , he brooded for a long time , finally overcame problems with drugs , and went into business , part of which was as a fight promoter .
17 In particular the chaos of the media ; where Front 242's use of TV images of terrorism and catastrophe was as a backdrop to their own survivalist strength , with Butthole Surfers it 's more the case , as David Stubbs said , that they 've fallen foul of the media overload , are carried by a momentum that is not their own .
18 In Los Angeles David decided that he did n't want to use the set any more , that he wanted to change the whole concept of the show , and that , I think , was the last straw for DeFries because , as difficult as it was as a set , it was an incredible show , quite wonderful to look at .
19 One of the ways she visualized life was as a swirling , unpredictable tide of confusion which swept you along helpless , bumping against rocks , trying to snatch at branches , bits of wreckage , anything that might help to keep you afloat for , if you did n't watch out , the waters would suck you down and close over your head .
20 In the West its enormous popularity was as a love story set against the epic background of the Revolution and its aftermath .
21 Her first job was as a psychiatric social worker at the Maudsley Hospital in south London .
22 One major worry was finance : in the years when deficits were avoided , it was as a result of stringent economies , such as unpaid overtime in the District Office and restrictions on the course programme .
23 It was as a result of this withdrawal that I was invited to write the paper ( Currie , 1979 ) .
24 ‘ The discoloration was as a result of bruising …
25 But it was as a broadcaster that Ron Pickering will be best remembered .
26 Although the crossbow is known to have existed as early as the fourth century , its main use was as a hunting weapon and it was not until the latter part of the twelfth century that it became a major military weapon .
27 But it was as a planner of convenient houses that he particularly excelled .
28 However , it was as a goalscorer that Mel gained an undisputed niche in Palace 's history as the scorer of our first-ever goal in Division One , when his fine , dipping header put us into the lead and on the way to a 2–2 draw with Manchester United on the opening day of season 1969–70 .
29 But George 's main contribution to the Palace was as a provider of chances from which our centre-forwards could score their goals .
30 His appearance record shows that , once Ron had gained a position in the team , he became difficult to displace and probably his best spell with the Palace was as a regular member of the team that finished 1952–53 with such a creditable run of performances .
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