Example sentences of "is [that] you " in BNC.

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1 The first piece of advice that 's necessary is that you should n't just try to be fashionable by choosing juicy speeches that catch your eye without knowing the whole play and having a working idea of how to perform the speech .
2 The good news is that you can take steps to prevent heart attacks happening to you and your family .
3 The best advice if you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy is that you should stop drinking alcohol until after your baby is born .
4 What I mean is that you will find little use for the basic ‘ one — pause — two ’ sequences of block followed by counter-attack .
5 The first is that you must be the correct distance from your opponent ; that is at his closest kicking range ( any closer and he wo n't kick at all ) .
6 The second point is that you may be asked to take a drug test at any squad session .
7 The problem with head injuries is that you ca n't see any blood , so you refuse to accept that serious damage has ensued .
8 The most important factor in ‘ free stretching ’ is that you know when it hurts and how far you can go , making it possible for you to immediately release the stretch should you need to .
9 The beauty of it is that you can easily move them around on the wood .
10 Again , a possible disadvantage is that you must pay in advance .
11 The received wisdom is that you knock off two letters from the French ; so 5c becomes British 5a .
12 One of the problems with not getting killed climbing while still young is that you reach such a great age that your standard falls mercilessly , and it is only possible to relive great exploits by reading about yourself in guidebooks .
13 The good news is that you are not on your own ; many owners share your problem .
14 ‘ The mystery of the coming of a new creature is a great mystery ad incomprehensible , Mrs Virginsky , and what a pity it is that you do n't understand it . '
15 ‘ Part of the charm is that you cross the sea to Skye . ’
16 What is nice about the AX diesel is that you can smile smugly about the miles you are effortlessly squeezing from every gallon , in the knowledge you have sacrificed little along the way .
17 The impression given by the marketing campaign is that you are being invited to invest in a single entity — the British water industry — and that there will be attractive perks for those who do .
18 The idea of the ‘ big plunge ’ is that you rapidly create an economic environment in which producers will spontaneously respond to demand , and the change of profit .
19 The lesson is that you must always keep your defences strong so that you are prepared for any situation .
20 The evidence is that you stand as good a chance of getting the choice of currency right as the experts if the return from the managed funds is anything to go by .
21 The unspoken message of the video they lend you is that you start the week head-planting in the snow and finish it bouncing imperturbably down virgin slopes .
22 The idea here is that you go to a domestic dispute to prevent a crime from being committed …
23 The sole qualification for obtaining a vehicle is that you receive mobility supplement for a long enough period to cover the length of the agreement .
24 The elder was contemptuous when the younger replied to his crushing arguments by the reply , the reason why you think like that is that you do n't say your prayers .
25 The advantage of this scheme is that you do n't need to remember to save the money which you would have paid to the Government later on !
26 The point is that you muddle her , you muddle her up .
27 I believe in the end that one of the casualties of taking short cuts and losing integrity is that you will not get good people coming into the business .
28 The essential thing is that you should do the homework as thoroughly as you can . ’
29 The only thing I would add is that you need to find out what you are good at ; you need to find out what it is you can contribute which other people ca n't and that is something which only you can find out for yourself .
30 His latest joke is that you can tell a happy musher by the dog shit on his teeth .
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