Example sentences of "is [adv] go " in BNC.

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1 On the western side this was always an area characterised by a militancy which is presumably going out of fashion now too .
2 And all this minor misery is occurring in an island set in a leaden sea of even greater misery , in a world which is presumably going to end , sooner rather than later , in some cataclysmic downpour of misery beyond imagination .
3 I find it to be an irritating reminder that the solid rail service taken for granted by this part of the country , the one that provides an essential lifeline spring , summer , autumn and winter , is eventually going to be lost to these seasonal theme-park trucks full of florid , truffle-guzzling lounge lizards .
4 And do n't forget that the money it costs to go to LA and to live there is eventually going to come out of your royalties , not the record company 's .
5 Altho , although if one is eventually going to talk about the report one could to make it clear to the parents that what one is a subject report and the other is a summate report .
6 If the end result is eventually going to be thrown away ; memos , reports , flyers , price lists and so on , then page printer output is probably more than adequate .
7 But if PRP substitutes for existing pay , it is rarely going to be practicable for the employer to pocket the whole of the saving , since this would imply not only a reduction in the employees ' gross pay , but also an element of risk in remuneration that had previously been assured .
8 For example , an utterance such as ‘ juice ’ might be glossed as ‘ That 's juice ’ , ‘ I want some juice ’ or ‘ The juice is all gone ’ , depending upon the situation and the child 's behaviour .
9 But the gabble was such that the child could n't distinguish what it was they wanted , until the old woman cried , ‘ No candy rock today ! 'T IS all gone , all gone , ’ at which , one after the other , the children , as if at a signal , stopped gabbling and took up the chant : ‘ Raggie Aggie !
10 It will keep going until it is all gone and then it will go to another place with water and do the same .
11 A few small specimens will soon clear a tank of unsightly algae , but when it is all gone , and the snails have grown , the plants will suffer .
12 Yet now it is all gone , nothing left .
13 This is all going to cut you off from London a bit , but I do n't see that there 's really any other way at the moment . ’
14 Pat finished his cigarette and , looking at me as he rose to his feet , said , ‘ Piper , I believe it is all going to happen today .
15 In spite of our own commitment to people-based change and transformation , we , too , may wonder where it is all going to finish .
16 Survivors of Novell 's Excelan and Digital Research acquisitions claim this is all going to happen quicker than a June bug hops on a ripe fig .
17 The cost of keeping a horse is constantly going up while prize money is static . ’
18 On the other hand , those might turn out to be right who think that man is responsible for but a very small part of the destruction of fish that is constantly going on ; and in that case a boat starting with equally good appliances and an equally efficient crew would be likely to get nearly as good a haul after the increase in the total volume of the fishing trade as before .
19 The women centre has served a vital need for the community over the last six or seven years , and if it closes down all that work is basically gone and all the support that we 've build up has gone , because basically there 'll be nowhere that women can go to socialise and to find out what 's going on in Oxford .
20 Some of these residents have lived in this road particularly all their lives and they 've suffered the traumas of living next to a pit and are absolutely horrified er at the prospects of what is basically going to be a scrap yard .
21 But it might as well save its money if it is merely going to flow out of the country into the pockets and profits of foreign firms .
22 Yet as Andrew Palmer , deputy finance director at Legal & General Investments warned at the same conference , ‘ like all chains , Taurus is only going to be as strong as its weakest link .
23 The time-honoured method has been by urine testing , but with the renal threshold in the not so elderly being of the order of 10 mmol/1 glycosuria is only going to occur when the blood glucose is in double figures .
24 After all , the survey will have to be done at some stage and it is only going to be helpful to carry out a pilot if it tells the designer something he did not know .
25 The Prosignia range is only going at 60MHz at the moment , while the SystemPro/XL 5/66 can take two of the things once they arrive .
26 After playing catch-me-if-you-can for so long , it looks as though Sun Microsystems Inc is only going to get a month 's headstart over the pack of Sparc-compatible builders which will be gunning for its superscalar Sparcstation 10 market — if US firm Pinnacle Data Systems Inc , Columbus , Ohio , has its way .
27 Buying this week what you bought last week is only going to end in failure .
28 So estate duty is only going to be reduced by 30 per cent .
29 And people may be wondering why they 're going up by so much , when after all , the S S A , and that is the figure that we 're restricted to set by the government , is only going up by three point three percent , and half of this is for care in the community money , so that , all that care in the community money remember , pound for pound in that it 's added to our budget , is knocked off the budget of Social Security , that is not , not any extra money spent on people .
30 ‘ That 's the whole point — regardless , Miss Everett , that both you and I know that you 're never going to marry him anyway , Travis , who cares deeply for his family , ’ as you do , Leith could well have inserted , ‘ is only going to take it on the chin and let you go , by learning that the person you do love is a member of his family , who loves you in return . ’
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