Example sentences of "is [adv] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It is at this stage that we can perhaps be of most use by pointing out that that is mostly what grief is about .
2 Is it that the human being is secretly nothing without others ?
3 ‘ Clearly the whole system failed and we have no wish to deny that part of the responsibility that is properly ours .
4 The priest finally concludes that the sheepskin is properly his , as he paid for it in goods not services .
5 It is rather one which results from the process of ‘ legal reading ’ , that is , the reading of the text against the background of ‘ the legal reader 's access to a store of specifically legal relevant contexts ’ ( Davies , 1987 ) .
6 A brilliant book is ( roughly ) the expression of a brilliant person , but a sad poem is rather one which induces sadness in the reader .
7 this is rather what what it , makes it difficult is that I had a copy as well farce right , but do n't say farcical .
8 ( This reference to the task of childhood is rather my own effort to develop Spinoza 's own richly fruitful but rather abstract ideas in more concrete terms than a direct report upon what he says — the same goes for some other of my remarks . )
9 ‘ It is rather she who is interested in me , I fear . ’
10 A summer 's bloom is all very well , but the aim is presumably something more perennial .
11 The possibility of confusion is very great ; for just as Eleanor of Castile landed at Acre in 1270 , accompanying Edward on the seventh crusade , so Eleanor of Aquitaine had landed there 120 years before , accompanying her husband ( that is , her first , Louis VII of France ) on his crusade — which is presumably what Pound means by ‘ Acre , again ’ .
12 H This is presumably what the poorer countries expect to get .
13 This is presumably what the police are referring to when they say they should be left to deal with problems in the force themselves .
14 This effect is presumably what produces crater-strewn fields .
15 This is presumably what happens in the cases of light , match and race discussed above .
16 Johnson went to the lavatory — at least , that is presumably what Boswell means when he says , ‘ having retired for a short time ’ — ; and Boswell and Monboddo engaged cordially with each other .
17 Both these tales involve incestuous sexual relationships , which is presumably what is meant by referring to them as " " unkynde ( " unnatural " ) abhomynaciouns " " ( II : 88 ) .
18 Again , in order to preserve the assumption of relevance , an inference must be made about who is to do what : since the last mention of someone doing something involved B going to A , that is presumably what A intends , and may thus be taken to have meant .
19 Borg 's role model , or rationale , is presumably his old rival Jimmy Connors , who is , after all , nearly four years older .
20 Husband and wife again particularly to plan a will so that it all ends up with the children if that is eventually what you want with no tax payable or a a a reduced amount of tax .
21 If farmers do not accept the responsibility there is rarely anyone else in a position to do so .
22 His shop-cum-showroom is somewhere you can buy an object , perhaps a picture frame , a clock or a faux-book box , but is also a place where you can commission pieces .
23 That is effectively we 're paying this extra fifty pence right resource misallocation we there is always what 's called a dead weight loss right to intervention , right it 's an inefficiency loss or an efficiency loss , due to the fact that we 're asking t , in this case farmers , right to using , use resources but farmers are n't the most efficient people in resources but in to erm , high tech computer companies , alright and if we gave pounds worth of support to a high tech computer company they would be able to produce more value as a result of that pound er than if we gave one pound to a farmer , simply because erm that , sort of the high tech industries are more productive , they 're more efficient .
24 PAYING rivals to compete against you is not exactly commonplace in sport , but it is effectively what some of Britain 's top fly fishermen were doing at Rutland Water at the weekend .
25 In a new pond , which is effectively what you have , the filter must be allowed to mature the water , which can take weeks or even months .
26 Right erm I think that stuff that you 're doing there will be fine but particularly at this idea of a gradient think in terms of the slope of a hill which is effectively what it 's measuring .
27 It would be interesting to know , but however that may be , it 's significant that within this very first paper Trivers makes this prediction and my interpretation of penis envy is effectively what , about what , Trivers predicted .
28 This strategy of setting up interactive and interdependent small groups is effectively what is happening in whole group drama .
29 Right , well , ninety per cent of the work that I do is effectively what what we call third party mailing whereby we will take erm , an insurance brokers client list , erm , and mail them the C U product .
30 • Decide on the space that is wholly yours , even if it only a table somewhere .
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